Question about times ranger picker

Hi to everyone.

I am starting with Blynk app and now I have a question: reading about the “Times Ranger Picker” on the docs.blynk the site informs:

Time ranges picker Allows you to select required periods ( 15m , 30m , 1h , 3h , …) and resolution for your chart. Resolution defines how precise your data is. Right now chart supports 2 types of resolution standard and high . Resolution also depends on the selected period. For example, standard resolution for 1d means you’ll get 24 points per day (1 per hour), with high resolution you’ll get for 1d 1440 points per day (1 per minute).

The docs.blynk uses as example the 1d standard resolution and the 1d high resolution, informing how many points I can have with each one. But, how do I know the number of points of the other options, for example for standard 15m, 1h or 3h? Is there any kind of proportional math relation for them?

For example, if 1d on standard resolution means 1 point per hour so 15m means 4 points per hour and 30m 2 points per hour?

I tryed to follow this logic sequence but with 1h and 3h I did not understand how many points I have.

Thank you.

These settings options are really just about how the data is visualised, so it’s a matter of personal taste and the type of data that you are using.
The server stores one data point per minute, which is the average of the values received for that virtual pin during the one minute period. If you want this data to be shown with the maximum resolution for the chosen data view period then it will look a little ‘spikey’ in some situations. If you need to know about these spikes then that’s great, but if you want a smoother representation of the data then the lower resolution view may more appropriate.
Experiment with your data to find the best data view periods and resolutions for those periods.


Thank you for the help. So, it means that higher the value of resolution better for smoothing curves? For example, a 30 min resolution is more accurate than 1h?

No, the opposite.

I think your are mixing-up resolution with time periods.

I’d suggest that you …


Thank you for your help.