Problems provisioning board when using Edgent

There’s a separate url that you add to your boards manager url in the IDE.
It’s listed here under Development Release Link…

This will allow you to see the release candidate versions.


THANK YOU @PeteKnight

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Lordy, lordy. Hallalujah!
ESP32 is back on SSL with Espressif’s ESP32 development release 2.0.3 RC1.

I have not done broad testing, only recompiled a favorite sketch using an ESP32-S2 Adafruit Feather.
SSL connection to Blynk made quickly, stays connected.

Thanks @PeteKnight for signaling us of this still-testing release.
Thanks @vshymanskyy for making a big enough stink about this to Espressif. They listened.

Seems to work. Have now tested this successfully on three different ESP32 and ESP32-S2 (Adafruit feather) sketches.) Most of my development is on ESP32s of one flavor or another. I use BlynkSimpleEsp32_SSL.h and WiFiMulti.h.

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