Problems provisioning board when using Edgent

Is this a domestic network, or a corporate/educational establishment?

It looks like the secure protocol is being blocked by the firewall.


Its home network, ok, im going to switch of firewall in my router and will see what happend. But im not shoore if that help, because ESP8266 work on same port 443 without problems, but im going to try it.
Will inform you.

After switching off firewall without change:

21:43:11.500 -> [39959] WiFi SSID: dd-wrt Pass: Kikusiatko88
21:43:11.500 -> [39959] Blynk cloud: Spm8PnKsr_soFfIEdMvWNT7SCwg_gQ9I @
21:43:11.500 -> [39973] CONFIGURING => SWITCH_TO_STA
21:43:11.500 -> [39976] Switching to STA...
21:43:12.597 -> [41085] SWITCH_TO_STA => CONNECTING_NET
21:43:12.597 -> [41085] Connecting to WiFi: dd-wrt
21:43:16.290 -> [44760] Using Dynamic IP:
21:43:16.290 -> [44760] CONNECTING_NET => CONNECTING_CLOUD
21:43:16.290 -> [44770] Connecting to
21:43:16.489 -> [44984] Secure connection failed
21:43:21.295 -> [49775] Connecting to
21:43:21.500 -> [49980] Secure connection failed
21:43:26.289 -> [54780] Connecting to
21:43:26.490 -> [54981] Secure connection failed
21:43:31.306 -> [59782] Connecting to
21:43:31.500 -> [59986] Secure connection failed
21:43:36.303 -> [64786] Connecting to
21:43:36.513 -> [64995] Secure connection failed
21:43:41.320 -> [69796] Connecting to
21:43:41.515 -> [70001] Secure connection failed
21:43:46.301 -> [74761] Timeout
21:43:46.301 -> [74761] Last error code: 702
21:43:46.301 -> [74763] Configuration stored to flash
21:43:46.301 -> [74764] CONNECTING_CLOUD => ERROR
21:43:56.298 -> [84764] Restarting after error.
21:43:56.345 -> ets Jun  8 2016 00:22:57

What happens if you find this line in Settings.h…

#define CONFIG_DEFAULT_PORT           443

and change the port to either 80 or 81 ?


I already try that yesterday, i change it to 80 but after saving and uploadig, in serial console it show still 443, it looks that you can put there any walue and its not taken??
Now its set to 80:

#define CONFIG_AP_URL                 "blynk.setup"
#define CONFIG_DEFAULT_SERVER         ""
#define CONFIG_DEFAULT_PORT           80

and result

22:20:13.399 -> [33440] SWITCH_TO_STA => CONNECTING_NET
22:20:13.399 -> [33440] Connecting to WiFi: dd-wrt
22:20:17.242 -> [37278] Using Dynamic IP:
22:20:17.242 -> [37278] CONNECTING_NET => CONNECTING_CLOUD
22:20:17.242 -> [37288] Connecting to
22:20:17.479 -> [37496] Secure connection failed
22:20:22.259 -> [42296] Connecting to
22:20:22.466 -> [42498] Secure connection failed
22:20:27.266 -> [47299] Connecting to
22:20:27.478 -> [47506] Secure connection failed

Im going to try 81

81 = same result like before

Have you pressed the button for 10 seconds to clear the stored value?


Yes please, almost every time when i upladed sketch i push that button

22:28:46.180 -> [92855] Hold the button for 10 seconds to reset configuration...
22:29:06.353 -> [113002] ERROR => RESET_CONFIG
22:29:06.353 -> [113008] Resetting configuration!
22:29:06.353 -> [113014] Configuration stored to flash
22:29:06.595 -> [113246] nvs_flash_erase: Success
22:29:06.595 -> [113246] RESET_CONFIG => WAIT_CONFIG
22:29:09.221 -> [115881] AP SSID: Blynk GarazIOT-6C068
22:29:09.221 -> [115881] AP IP:
22:29:09.221 -> [115882] AP URL:  blynk.setup

then reset button

22:30:58.229 -> rst:0x1 (POWERON_RESET),boot:0x13 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT)
22:30:58.229 -> configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee
22:30:58.262 -> clk_drv:0x00,q_drv:0x00,d_drv:0x00,cs0_drv:0x00,hd_drv:0x00,wp_drv:0x00
22:30:58.262 -> mode:DIO, clock div:1
22:30:58.262 -> load:0x3fff0030,len:1184
22:30:58.262 -> load:0x40078000,len:12804
22:30:58.262 -> ho 0 tail 12 room 4
22:30:58.262 -> load:0x40080400,len:3032
22:30:58.262 -> entry 0x400805e4
22:30:58.837 -> [266] Using default config.
22:30:58.837 -> 
22:30:58.837 -> >[266] 
22:30:58.837 ->     ___  __          __
22:30:58.837 ->    / _ )/ /_ _____  / /__
22:30:58.837 ->   / _  / / // / _ \/  '_/
22:30:58.837 ->  /____/_/\_, /_//_/_/\_\
22:30:58.837 ->         /___/ v1.0.1 on ESP32
22:30:58.837 -> 
22:30:58.837 -> [277] --------------------------
22:30:58.837 -> [277] Product:  GarazIOT
22:30:58.837 -> [277] Firmware: 0.1.0 (build Apr 26 2022 22:26:52)
22:30:58.873 -> [287] Device:   ESP32 @ 240MHz
22:30:58.873 -> [287] MAC:      F0:08:D1:D8:05:68
22:30:58.873 -> [288] Flash:    4096K
22:30:58.873 -> [288] ESP sdk:  v4.4-beta1-189-ga79dc75f0a
22:30:58.873 -> [298] Chip rev: 1
22:30:58.873 -> [299] Free mem: 261472
22:30:58.873 -> [299] --------------------------
22:30:58.873 -> [299] INIT => WAIT_CONFIG
22:31:01.504 -> [2920] AP SSID: Blynk GarazIOT-6C068
22:31:01.504 -> [2920] AP IP:
22:31:01.504 -> [2921] AP URL:  blynk.setup

and on the end connection from app

22:31:43.741 -> [45185] WAIT_CONFIG => CONFIGURING
22:31:46.663 -> [48090] Sending board info...
22:31:48.362 -> [49792] Scanning networks...
22:31:53.271 -> [54714] Found networks: 6
22:32:02.982 -> [64411] Applying configuration...
22:32:02.982 -> [64412] WiFi SSID: zahrada Pass: Kikusiatko88
22:32:02.982 -> [64412] Blynk cloud: MPds2dqkb7w7QYpv6s4U81tPIJHCjwMi @
22:32:02.982 -> [64426] CONFIGURING => SWITCH_TO_STA
22:32:03.034 -> [64431] Switching to STA...
22:32:04.105 -> [65540] SWITCH_TO_STA => CONNECTING_NET
22:32:04.105 -> [65540] Connecting to WiFi: zahrada
22:32:07.149 -> [68595] Using Dynamic IP:
22:32:07.187 -> [68595] CONNECTING_NET => CONNECTING_CLOUD
22:32:07.187 -> [68605] Connecting to
22:32:07.906 -> [69325] Secure connection failed
22:32:12.183 -> [73615] Connecting to
22:32:12.405 -> [73820] Secure connection failed
22:32:17.198 -> [78621] Connecting to
22:32:17.409 -> [78822] Secure connection failed
22:32:22.205 -> [83624] Connecting to
22:32:22.412 -> [83829] Secure connection failed
22:32:27.226 -> [88630] Connecting to
22:32:27.408 -> [88836] Secure connection failed
22:32:32.202 -> [93636] Connecting to
22:32:32.414 -> [93843] Secure connection failed
22:32:37.162 -> [98603] Timeout
22:32:37.162 -> [98603] Last error code: 702
22:32:37.162 -> [98605] Configuration stored to flash
22:32:37.204 -> [98606] CONNECTING_CLOUD => ERROR

and again same result :frowning:

And I already try second board, both boards are new.

I already connected on pin 16 LED and set this BOARD_LED_PIN 16 in Settings.h. Diode flashing, with diferent speed but still trouble to connect to blynk cloud.

I gues its some problem with this librrary <BlynkSimpleEsp32_SSL.h>, when I try example sketch ESP32_WIFI all its ok then I try ESP32_WIFI_SSL I get error Secure connection failed. Its there option how to use BlynkEdgent without SSL?

Maybe you should try re-installing the Blynk library.


Also, it might be worth you reading this…


Interesting that this has not yet been addressed anywhere between Blynk and Espressif.
Since I am using the ESP32-S2, I am also using the ESP32 2.0.2 package, and have Blynk on UNsecure no-SSL connections until this gets addressed. Ugly. Still on SSL with ESP8266 - that works fine.

Frankly, I’d forgotten about this until I saw these posts. Hey Blynk, any ideas here? We can’t be the only ones running into SSL issues with ESP32 2.0.2.

Hy Pete
Thanks for felp, that solution what you mention in post above working ok. So thumb up and one more time manny thkanks for you time and your help.

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The GitHub issue that @vshymanskyy raised is awaiting testing in v2.0.3-rc1, so maybe you should give that a try?


Thank you @PeteKnight . Will check this out 2.0.3 RC1 next few days.

Question I should know the answer to: how do I install this beta? Arduino IDE does not see it.
I see the release on Github, looking for simple installation recipe. Thanks in advance.

There’s a separate url that you add to your boards manager url in the IDE.
It’s listed here under Development Release Link…

This will allow you to see the release candidate versions.


THANK YOU @PeteKnight

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Lordy, lordy. Hallalujah!
ESP32 is back on SSL with Espressif’s ESP32 development release 2.0.3 RC1.

I have not done broad testing, only recompiled a favorite sketch using an ESP32-S2 Adafruit Feather.
SSL connection to Blynk made quickly, stays connected.

Thanks @PeteKnight for signaling us of this still-testing release.
Thanks @vshymanskyy for making a big enough stink about this to Espressif. They listened.

Seems to work. Have now tested this successfully on three different ESP32 and ESP32-S2 (Adafruit feather) sketches.) Most of my development is on ESP32s of one flavor or another. I use BlynkSimpleEsp32_SSL.h and WiFiMulti.h.

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