Problem with font size

Not same size between labels and gauges
Where is scalable function?
Why there’s no label background / foreground color?

Is this Android?

Yes Volodymyr , and tell me how to scale fonts :thinking:

Some time over the weekend my App Dashboard changed dramatically! See below OLD/NEW
Was there a software upgrade? If so how do I fix this? You can see super chart is all squished up



I decided not to start a new topic about this and just add something to this one. There should be some kind of “heads up” provided to users, especially PRO users, when there are major app changes coming. I checked the app today and all of the gauges and fonts were different. As someone who is selling products using PRO I feel we should get some notice so we are prepared. It doesn’t have to be anything major, just “hey, we are making some design changes so you may want to check the app over the next X time and make any changes needed”.
