Problem with Bridge Widget - No data transfer

Blynk IoT, i’ll update in my post.

Blynk IOT doesn’t have a bridge widget, it has been replaced with automation.

Oh man, I should have asked/noticed before… Thanks for the help, i’ll move on to learn about automation.

I don’t think you can currently use automations to send values from one device to another.


Yes, you can use blynk API or Node-RED to send data between devices.

@SoulMush this is how you can use the API as a substitute…


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I confirm, I tried it today, that not works at all.
So the only way is using our Bridge function (API)

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Node-RED is a great solution, tasker is also a very good solution as well, I tried both of them and both worked flawlessly.

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Yes I’m sure, but I am software engineer so I prefer hard-coding :wink:

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Node-Red gives a hard-coded solution.



Thanks all, i’ll check the solutions you’ve suggested. Getting data from all devices to a single controller will definitely improve my project. I’ll also consider using the legacy version since the bridge widget gives another solution.

Thanks for the help

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I don’t recommend this move, blynk legacy will be retired soon.

Thanks, i’ll drop this option :slight_smile:

I’ll use this post for further question about automation. I cant seem to understand how should I update a device when action occurs.
For example, I have a humidity device with a relay and ESP8266 that I want to turn on when another device send low humidity %.
So I understand how to set up the data streams on both device and set up an action, I don’t understand how this action will change the state of the relay.
Should I read the virtual pin connected to the data stream?

Thanks again.

Have you checked the documentation ?

I have, and I am setting everything as described, just the part where I want to change the relay state, this I don’t understand how it is done.
Where is the connection between the data stream that is defined to change switch when action occurs to the relay.

Hope i’m clear… thanks for the help.

If you cant choose the device/datastream that you want to control with the automation then you probably haven’t configured that target datastream correctly in the Advanced settings

In the Expose to Automations part, you’ll need the target device configured as a Switch, and Available in Actions checked.


Do you mean something like this

@PeteKnight I can see the device and data stream and configured it as you suggested.

@John93 Yes, I’m configuring something like this, just not sure how exactly the data is updated in the sending and receiving side. I’m missing something…

You need to describe in detail what your setup is, what datasteams you’ve defined, and what you’ve done so fat with the automations.
Without this information we’re just guessing.


I have two templates, A and B.
Template A has data stream on V1 defined as integer and enabled as Expose to Automation - Temperature control.
Template B has data stream V2, integer, defined also enabled and configured as switch.
Device “Send” is connected to template A and receives data from a sensor. The data should be transmitted as Blynk.virtualWrite(V1, humidity); (?)
Device “Receive” is connected to template B and needs to operate a relay that is connected to it.
I have created an automation that says “when V1 is greater than 80 than V2 is off”

Both devices are ESP8266.

I hope that clarify my situation, I’m missing the last part of how the relay state is switched.

Thanks for the help.