Problem on launch with update Blynk.virtualWrite on widget value display

Hi, I have a problem with this sketch that I can’t really solve. The problem ONLY arises at startup. My goal is to create the reading of a series of errors in sequence, in practice the value of the writing in Blynk.virtualWrite(V2) is not updated WITH THE CURRENT ONE.

Example: if on startup the error was Blynk.virtualWrite(V2, “SENSOR NOT CONNECTED !”); , on the next boot, even though the error is still resolved and should show the next error, i.e. Blynk.virtualWrite(V2, “V.MIN WRONG !”);, this does NOT happen.

#define BLYNK_TEMPLATE_NAME "Test 8266"

#define BLYNK_PRINT Serial
#define APP_DEBUG
#include "BlynkEdgent.h"

BlynkTimer timer;

int valoremin ; 

byte FlagSensore      = 0 ; 
byte FlagVminErrato   = 0 ;
byte FlagVmaxErrato   = 0 ;

void setup() {
  BlynkEdgent.begin() ;
  valoremin = 100 ;
  timer.setInterval( 1000L, ValoriErrati ) ;  

void ValoriErrati (){

Serial.println (valoremin);
Serial.print ("FlagSensore");Serial.println (FlagSensore);
Serial.print ("FlagVminErrato");Serial.println (FlagVminErrato);

  if (analogRead(A0) <= 140 || analogRead (A0) >= 700) { 
  if (FlagSensore == 0 ) { 
  Blynk.virtualWrite (V2, "SENSORE NON COLLEGATO !"); 
  FlagSensore = 1 ;
  FlagVminErrato = 0 ;
  FlagVmaxErrato = 0 ;

  else if (analogRead(A0) > 140 && analogRead (A0) < 700) {
  if (FlagSensore == 1 ) { 
  FlagSensore = 0 ;  
  if (valoremin < 150 || valoremin >= 190 ) {   
  if (FlagSensore == 0 && FlagVminErrato == 0  ){
  //Blynk.setProperty  (V2, "color", "#FF0000"); //RED
  Blynk.virtualWrite (V2, "V.MIN ERRATO !");
  FlagVminErrato = 1 ;
  else if (valoremin > 150 && valoremin < 190 ){
  if (FlagVminErrato == 1){
  FlagVminErrato = 0 ;

void loop() {;;


Solved by adding a count.
es :

byte CountVErrati = 0 ;

if (analogRead(A0) <= 140 || analogRead (A0) >= 700)  {   
  if (FlagSensore == 0 && ++CountVErrati == 2 ) { 
  Blynk.virtualWrite (V2, "SENSORE NON COLLEGATO !"); 
  FlagSensore = 1 ;
  CountVErrati = 0 ;
  FlagVminErrato = 0 ;
  FlagVmaxErrato = 0 ;

@seby Please edit your post, using the pencil icon at the bottom, and add triple backticks at the beginning and end of your code so that it displays correctly.
Triple backticks look like this:

Copy and paste these if you can’t find the correct symbol on your keyboard.
