Powercut causing Output to turn on

Hi there, everytime I get a powercut all 3 of my nodemcu8266 units keep turning on the outputs. What can I do to stop this?


The outputs are on, although there’s no power??

I’m thinking it turns the relays on when the power is back up :slight_smile:

I’m not sure how to prevent this, but maybe it can be done with a capacitor? Quit sure this is an electrical problem and not so much a Blynk thing

I’ve found that the output pins on my ESP01 get pulled high when I restart the board so I run this code in the setup method:

pinMode(pin, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(pin, LOW);

Thanks all, I’d say that’s all it is that the pin setup must write low at the start. I do this in non Blynk projects but for some reason thought the Blynk standard code covers it. Thanks all I’ll give it a go