Physical status LED

Hi All,

I think by question is very basic, still I was not able to find an answer to it. I hope I did not overlook an existing topic.

I am putting Blynk to a device which has a physical status LED. The original firmware blinks this LED when the device is connected. How would you recommend doing the same with Blynk?
Shall I just put an if (Blynk.connected()) line in the loop and blink the status LED there? Or is there a Blynk event when data is being transmitted, received?
So far I am only using digital pins, so there is no custom code in the sketch - yet.


You didn’t mention what type of device… however as long as the LED pin is broken out to an accessible GPIO / IO then you should be able to control it… but you will need some form of code to do the job if you want it to work as a “connected to Blynk Server” indicator.

It is an H801 RGB controller from Aliexpress. The status LED is connected to GPIO 5.
So I need to come up with some code and blink pattern to describe the state of the device.

Try this

void loop()
  if (Blynk.connected()) {;
  } else 
  digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, !digitalRead(LED_BUILTIN)); // Or change LED_BUILTIN with appropriate pin