Parsing help needed

New to parsing and need a simple way to parse the following. I tried ArduinoJson but it seems to need the string to have \ in the string to work. {“sensor”:“gps”,“time”:1351824120,“data”:[48.756080,2.302038]}

{“results”:{“sunrise”:“1:32:01 PM”,“sunset”:“11:35:14 PM”,“solar_noon”:“6:33:38 PM”,“day_length”:“10:03:13”,“civil_twilight_begin”:“1:03:37 PM”,“civil_twilight_end”:“12:03:38 AM”,“nautical_twilight_begin”:“12:31:25 PM”,“nautical_twilight_end”:“12:35:51 AM”,“astronomical_twilight_begin”:“11:59:52 AM”,“astronomical_twilight_end”:“1:07:24 AM”},“status”:“OK”}

This is what I have so far.

#define BLYNK_PRINT Serial
// Allow for receiving messages up to 512 bytes long

#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <BlynkSimpleEsp8266.h>
#include <ArduinoJson.h>

char auth[] = "*****************************************";

// Your WiFi credentials.
char ssid[] = "*************";
char pass[] = "******************";

StaticJsonBuffer<400> jsonBuffer;

  Serial.println("WebHook data:");

char* json = 
"({"results":{"sunrise":"1:32:01 PM","sunset":"11:35:14 PM","solar_noon":"6:33:38 PM","day_length":"10:03:13","civil_twilight_begin":"1:03:37 PM","civil_twilight_end":"12:03:38 AM","nautical_twilight_begin":"12:31:25 PM","nautical_twilight_end":"12:35:51 AM","astronomical_twilight_begin":"11:59:52 AM","astronomical_twilight_end":"1:07:24 AM"},"status":"OK"})"; // data received from webhook
  JsonObject& root = jsonBuffer.parseObject(json);

  // Test if parsing succeeds.
  if (!root.success()) {
    Serial.println("parseObject() failed");

    JsonObject& results = root["results"];
    const char* sunrise = results["sunrise"]; // "7:24:03 AM"
    const char* sunset = results["sunset"]; // "5:36:15 PM"
    const char* solar_noon = results["solar_noon"]; // "12:30:09 PM"
    const char* day_length = results["day_length"]; // "10:12:12"
    const char* civil_twilight_begin = results["civil_twilight_begin"]; // "6:56:34 AM"
    const char* civil_twilight_end = results["civil_twilight_end"]; // "6:03:45 PM"
    const char* nautical_twilight_begin = results["nautical_twilight_begin"]; // "6:25:18 AM"
    const char* nautical_twilight_end = results["nautical_twilight_end"]; // "6:35:01 PM"
    const char* astronomical_twilight_begin = results["astronomical_twilight_begin"]; // "5:54:38 AM"
    const char* astronomical_twilight_end = results["astronomical_twilight_end"]; // "7:05:40 PM"
    const char* status = root["status"]; // "OK"
  // Print values.
  Serial.print("sunrise\t\t"); Serial.println(sunrise);
  Serial.print("sunset\t\t"); Serial.println(sunset);
  Serial.print("day length\t");  Serial.println(day_length);

void setup()
  // Debug console
  Blynk.begin(auth, ssid, pass);

  Blynk.virtualWrite(V0, 1);

void loop()

This is popular with ESP users

That’s the one I am trying. I can’t get the results from the web hood into the correct format.

I need the data that is in: (param.asStr()) into: char json [ ] = ???

This is how the data comes in from the webhook get:

{“results”:{“sunrise”:“1:32:01 PM”,“sunset”:“11:35:14 PM”,“solar_noon”:“6:33:38 PM”,“day_length”:“10:03:13”,“civil_twilight_begin”:“1:03:37 PM”,“civil_twilight_end”:“12:03:38 AM”,“nautical_twilight_begin”:“12:31:25 PM”,“nautical_twilight_end”:“12:35:51 AM”,“astronomical_twilight_begin”:“11:59:52 AM”,“astronomical_twilight_end”:“1:07:24 AM”},“status”:“OK”}

I do remember parsing the sunrise json from Webhook not long after the widget was introduced.
I did a quick search through my many sketches in the last hour but I couldn’t find the parsing.
All I can say from memory is it worked.
If you struggle in the coming days I can perhaps do a thorough search from my sketches.
@Lichtsignaal and I did some manual parsing and I did find some of this code but I wouldn’t recommend it.

At this point I will take any help or suggestions on how to parse it…

Thank you,

That is how I fixed it. Well, a while ago anyway. It’s a pain in the butt to get it going good. I’ve changed it a little bit along the way, but basically this is it.

@tbarritt notice Benoit replied on GitHub. He is pretty good and on my “watch list”.

Dynamic buffers is a regular fix and the json Assistant he has at looks excellent. Ready made parser, fantastic.

I finally got it to work… now I need to adjust the time from UTC -6 hours and get it so Input Time will use it.

WebHook data:
{“results”:{“sunrise”:“1:28:02 PM”,“sunset”:“11:41:01 PM”,“solar_noon”:“6:34:32 PM”,“day_length”:“10:12:59”,“civil_twilight_begin”:“12:59:58 PM”,“civil_twilight_end”:“12:09:05 AM”,“nautical_twilight_begin”:“12:28:01 PM”,“nautical_twilight_end”:“12:41:02 AM”,“astronomical_twilight_begin”:“11:56:40 AM”,“astronomical_twilight_end”:“1:12:23 AM”},“status”:“OK”}

sunrise 1:28:02 PM
sunset 11:41:01 PM
day length 10:12:59

See the json assistant over here :


String jsonString = param.asStr();
Serial.println(“WebHook data:” + jsonString);

JsonObject& root = jsonBuffer.parseObject(jsonString);
// Test if parsing succeeds.
if (!root.success()) {
Serial.println(“parseObject() failed”);

JsonObject& results = root[“results”];
const char* results_sunrise = results[“sunrise”]; // “10:29:13 AM”
const char* results_sunset = results[“sunset”]; // “11:25:40 PM”
const char* results_solar_noon = results[“solar_noon”]; // “4:57:27 PM”
const char* results_day_length = results[“day_length”]; // “12:56:27”
const char* results_civil_twilight_begin = results[“civil_twilight_begin”]; // “9:59:07 AM”
const char* results_civil_twilight_end = results[“civil_twilight_end”]; // “11:55:47 PM”
const char* results_nautical_twilight_begin = results[“nautical_twilight_begin”]; // “9:23:02 AM”
const char* results_nautical_twilight_end = results[“nautical_twilight_end”]; // “12:31:51 AM”
const char* results_astronomical_twilight_begin = results[“astronomical_twilight_begin”]; // “8:45:09 AM”
const char* results_astronomical_twilight_end = results[“astronomical_twilight_end”]; // “1:09:44 AM”
const char* status = root[“status”]; // “OK”

// Send it back
terminal.println(“JSON decoded:”);
terminal.print("sunrise: ");
terminal.print("sunset: ");


// Ensure everything is sent

Have a nice day.