Parameters on blynk

Hello, I’m doing a project that involves the automation of an indoor crop, my question is with the sensors as I put a parameter, so that if it comes out of them something is activated.
For example I have 30 ° C and it has to be at 25 ° C, therefore you would have to turn on a cooler to lower the temperature.
(I’m from Argentina, this was written with the translator).

Thank you

Search around this forum. This has been done many of times.

Read sensor, compare to parameter, activate/deactivate relay connected to cooler, repeat. Basically a thermostat.

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I did that: Humidity and Temperature controller = YABC - Yet Another Blynk Controller

It can be on the complex side, but does what you want. As Toro said, there’re many examples around thermostats, relays and so forth.

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