I’m pretty sure OTA is supported in conjunction with a local server for “non-paying customers”. Is the above statement meant to say OTA is only supported on the cloud server for paid customers? OTA is currently not supported on the cloud server for non-paying customers, correct?
There’s the standard “Arduino OTA” (not very well named as it doesn’t work on Arduino boards) that most people use (including me).
I think there’s also a Blynk OTA system that allows updates to be pushed down from the server, but as I’m a cloud server user it’s not something I’ve ever explored.
What do you mean by an “Arduino board”? Is this an Arduino-branded board sold through, say arduino.cc? I would think most people use something like a NodeMCU. I wouldn’t call a NodeMCU an Arduino board. The Blynk documentation suggests OTA works with “ESP8266, NodeMCU and SparkFun Blynk boards.”
Me too.
There’s something marketed as “Blynk.Air”. This clearly works in conjunction with a cloud server. I’m assuming this isn’t available to non-paying customers?
I mean the Arduino AVR Atmel based boards like the Uno, Mega etc.
The OTA functionality is actually part of the ESP core, so it only works with boards that require the core to be installed (although I’m not sure if all boards that are added to boards manager by the core actually support OTA).
There’s also ESP32 support for OTA, but I’ve never investigated that.
Got it. I thought that’s what you meant. I was just surprised to hear most people are using these boards. I certainly use these boards, but not in conjunction with Blynk.
Sorry, I worded my first comment badly.
What I was trying to say was that I, and most other people, use the Arduino version of OTA, as opposed to the Blynk version.
As for Arduino AVR boards, I don’t touch them with a barge pole anymore
Bad news: current OTA doc is outdated and will not longer be used in future Bylnk versions;
Good news: new OTA (within web UI) is already implemented and actively tested.