Nodemcu v3 doesn't connect after the seconde reboot

i tried to use a simple example with an led and on the phone a simple pushbuton to pins where the led is.
after programing the esp it work the button worked
but if i unplug the esp and replug it it won’t connect anymore
i tried with another esp same thing

#define BLYNK_PRINT Serial
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <BlynkSimpleEsp8266.h>

char auth[] = "YourAuthToken";

void setup()
  Blynk.begin(auth, "ssid", "pass");

void loop()

Where is the button code?

le bouton et en cree sur blynk si pas sa le probleme mais si je débranche l’esp et rebrancher il ne sera pas plus se connecter

Can you post your Serial Monitor output?

i have this same issue
my wiring/board only works after a fresh upload and connected to the laptop only(using arduino IDE, nodemcu v1.0) - works 100%.
but once i disconnect the USB and reconnect it to laptop or any other usb powersource, it doesn’t respond. turns on but feels like code isn’t running… anyone has a clue.?
here is my wiring and sketch;
have to disable serial print to get it working. that’s another issue, with enabled board can’t handle all the requests. i’m not the best at programming :slight_smile:

This might be hardware related issue. NodeMcu has dumb fancy reset circuitry which is most likely causing your headache and ESP is in boot loader mode every time you connect it through USB… You can temporary desolder R13 and R14 resistors if you don’t mind some SMD soldering, easy stuff. Or you might have faulty transistor on the board causing pulling down of GPIO0 to GND all the time - its highly unlikely… It’s honestly hard to “debug” like that.

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Yes it looks like flash chip issue.
I have one NodeMCU with similar problem, but others work OK.

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