No bluetooth connecting / HC 05; Arudino Nano

Hello Blynkers!

I have the following problem:
My cell phone can be paired with the HC-05 Bluetooth module, but not connect, so I get the error message “cant connect. Connecting to Bluetooth device.”

The HC-05 module is connected to an Arduino Nano and it is supposed to be a remote control for an RC car. The connection with the Arudino itself works, it can play an example function (blink) on it.

The Auth tooken was added and the connections 8 and 9 were connected with RXD TXD.

Is this in the Bluetooth settings of the phone, or in the BLE widget in the Blynk app?


Hey Pete,

Its the orginal Bluetooth widget in the blynk app.


Some times ago I did a little tuto for NANO+BLE.
Perhaps you’ll find there the solution :wink: