Need help with New esp 8266 web server based shield

Hi, There is a low cost serial wifi shield which is based on esp 8266. It directly sits over arduino like Ethernet shield and it says once you configure through web server and connect to your home wifi no setting is required in arduino. Will it work with blynk?
I have already ordered and shall receive in 15 days and update with my progress once received.

shield is here

Quite reasonable details on AliExpress and I would be pretty sure it will work with Blynk.

You can never be 100% sure until someone confirms it because the manufacturer may have messed up the pins etc but it looks well laid out and should be fine. Reasonable price too.

I am very happy to declare it worked for me after reflashing with v22 with mega in hardware serial mode and is pretty simple and steady


anybody needs any info are welcome

The advantage with this shield is that it sit over arduino directly and you have access to all arduino pins without hassle of wiring and very cheap too