Need help With My Blynk installation and code

Aaand I solved! It is work fine now.
Thanks a lot of all.

You should have only and in void loop. Also, you should not use delays with Blynk, especially not that long. @Shadeyman gave you proper code for DHT use with Blynk, just use it, donā€™t ā€˜solveā€™ anything. Read the docs section, as this is a perfect example of bad coding.

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@Sosa And a perfect example of not reading instructionsā€¦ I had to fix your posted code again :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I am so sorry about that.

This code is used from another guy. And work fine. Thnaks again.

Itā€™s working because anti-flood security included in latest libraries. That does not mean itā€™s working fine, or that your code is right for Blynk usage, youā€™re still violating all the rules. Once again, nothing should be included in void loop except and timers, read the docs. And I really canā€™t understand why you are still insisting on using obviously wrong code when @Shadeyman posted proper one for you. I suppose itā€™s easier to use bad code instead of c/p right one.