My projects now cannot connect to the Blynk cloud

Then it is the (Geo?)DNS problem…

@klg, now you are making successful connection to Blynk server. Something is wrong with your auth but here the Blynk guys can help :slight_smile:

change the port in Blynk.config from 8443 to 8442!!!

Yes, I think so

Yes bilbobg!
I changed port on to 8442 and connection is done.
This is well, but I not understand what happened?

Does canbody tell me why with using port 8442 device can connect to Blync cloud but using port 8443 cannot.
May be problem is in router settings (DNS how pointed marvin7 and bilbobg). If yes what I should check and change?

Sorry, I made a mistake: Does canbody.
Does can anybody tell me why with using port 8442 device can connect to Blync cloud but using port 8443 cannot.
May be problem is in router settings (DNS how pointed marvin7 and bilbobg). If yes what I should check and change?


Because Blynk server does not listen on 8443?? Just guessing. The default Hardware <–> server connection is on 8442 (plain TCP)

Why device cannot connect to Blynk server using
but using;
IPAddress BlynkServerIP(139, 59, 206, 133);
Blynk.config(auth, BlynkServerIP, 8442);
it connected.
In first variant IP address and port are used as default, in second - explicitly specified.
Does it means that now and always I should explicitly specified access to Blynk cloud?

No, you should be able to connect to Blynk without specifying IP addresses and ports. I can’t say right now if the issue is with your setup but its definitely connected with DNS. It requires more troubleshooting to get to the root cause.

Are you using Arduino IDE and which version?

I use Arduino IDE v1.6.8.
I vieved in BlynkSimpleEsp8266.h function
void config(const char auth, const char domain = BLYNK_DEFAULT_DOMAIN,**
** uint16_t port = BLYNK_DEFAULT_PORT)**
Parameter BLYNK_DEFAULT_PORT in header file BlynkConfig.h pointed as 8442,
Parameter domain as
Hence DNS server convert domain in explicit IP address.
How DNS server should be setted in my router that domain can be converted
in explicit IP address 139, 59, 206, 133?

In my router DNS server

Well, can you give us results of ping With what IP it will respond?? You tried reaching at this specific port? (for example by means of tool indicated earlier)

There were earlier problem with DNS…

The issue is not in your DNS. Its working OK since you are able to communicate with from your other computers. What about the rest of your ESP devices - are they working OK?

Try to set in Arduino IDE → Tools → IwIP Variant → v.1.4 Prebuild, remove all the static IP address settings and ports and recompile.

But can we be sure it is the Blynk server? I had not only once problem with DNS’s and it happened that the received IP differs when querying through different DNS servers. A note: Those were not related to Blynk!

Definitely its worth to try what you suggest.

Why so old we are up to 1.8.5 now?

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Ping return IP: 139. 59. 206. 133.
This is correct IP address of Blynk cloud.

To bilbobg.

What about the rest of your ESP devices - are they working OK?

I think Yes. If I try connect to Blynk cloud using
IPAddress BlynkServerIP(139, 59, 206, 133);
Blynk.config(auth, BlynkServerIP, 8442);
(i.e. explicit IP) the device connect to the Blync cloud nice.

What it is IwariIP Vant → v.1.4 Prebuild?

That might sound a bit weird, but could you now flash the default blynk initialization procedure? It all might be just temporary DNS problem.

…And if not, then I’m OUT :face_with_raised_eyebrow: