My project has been changed

This is my first post her I’m glad to use blynk app but i have issue that I couldn’t find a solution for it
I make a project in a blynk app before 2 months ago and for some reason i lost my items inside the page when i login with same e-mail and password
In that time i make a new one also with same e-mali and password
Now i lost my new project and it is back to old project
Can any one help me:
1- why I’m lossing my project ?
2- what is the reason ?
3- how to get back my last project again ?

Thank you for lessening
And i hope you are getting what i mean

Bakr Muhammed

Your case may be because they clear out unused accounts (unsure of exact timeframe). Send your login info to @Dmitriy via messaging (click on his avatar or the green link <-- then click on message).

Dear @Gunner
Thank you for your support

@bakr more likely Geo-DNS issue i.e you are accessing different Blynk servers that have different records for the projects you created.

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Hello. Yeap. This is geo DNS issue. Please follow -