Multiple pages, api per widget

Each page at the moment is a separate project. Why can you not swipe left right up down to access different pages… Now that would allow expansion,

  1. Register different Api keys, the. Have each widget associated with an Api key.
    So on one page u can have widget that controls X on a pi, B on a esp, C on an arduino. Very flexible!

  2. Add API key manually.

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Thanks for ideas!

We considered multiple pages initially. But when we add more widgets like Joystick, it’s gestures may conflict with page swiping. So we decided to restrict that. Do you feel that you are out of free space alreay?

We have a Bridge functionality for that. But your idea is also cool!

Not out of space already. But I see this as a pretty cool way of controlling esps and arduino for a home automation system. I’d like a page for each room that is fast to get to. The key to it being useful is speed!

Other methods I’ve tried are a pain because of waiting…

Looks very promising though. I’m interested to know pricing… Keep up the good work!

I envision something like a blink app with HTML like support in it so when I view a Blynk App page I could customize it like HTML example like add a title or data on the app page, link to other app windows with buttons and graphs.

for my home automation for example I would like to have “My House” with quick stats, then same page would have links to spicific areas of automation like the heat pump, or the electrical system, or whatever.

i would also love to see multiple pages or even better multiple running projects at the same time
main reasons for me are:

  • i’ve got some timers that would stop when i switch project to play with something else
  • i would also like to separate my pages in any of the above versions, in logical groups
    eg: one for sprinklers, one for stats, one for blinds, etc

even better multiple running projects at the same time

We are implementing it right now :wink: stay tuned.

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Absolutely must have multiple pages- I’m just playing with this now and already I’m out of space. Anything but the most trivial home application is surely going to have controls in different rooms etc, maybe some indicators of temperature etc, As things stand you run out of room almost immediately on one page. Needs to be a quick way to move from one page to another in the same project. Imagine a house with RGB lighting - with one or two of those in a room, you could have half a dozen RGB lighting setups alone.



Could you please share more insights. We would really like to understand the scale of projects like yours to understand how to deal with that.


Hi Pavel,

So I am currently running 3 dashboards which “should” be one project with multiple screens, this would prevent needing to stop one and start the next:

  1. Control Screen - mainly buttons and status LEDs for turning on and off relays (Garage doors, Gate Motor, Alarm Arm + Panic, Various lights)
  2. Weather screen - I feed in all the weather station information into graphs and LCD widgets - Temp, humidity, pressure, rain, wind, wind gusts, daily wind average etc)
  3. Alarm Screen - Here i am reading the status of my home alarm panel, i.e which zones sense movement, battery status etc

Also, I have successfully connected Blynk and MQTT via the same uC (Mico-controller). The weather station is running on an ESP and reporting the data to a Pi via MQTT, then the main Blynk uC subscribes to the topics and reads the data in via Virtual pins to display on the dash - button press event then gets sent to the uC and published via MQTT, my uCs controlling the relays simply subscribe to their own topic.

Read data Snippet:

  if (strcmp(topic, "/topic/alt") == 0){
  String altitude = String((char*)payload);

Write Event snippet:

BLYNK_WRITE(10) //Blynk Read from pin V10 -gate
  int a = param.asInt();
  if (a == 0) {
    client.publish("/topics/blynk/Gate", "0"); //Gate Close
    //digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
    } else {
    client.publish("/topics/blynk/Gate", "1"); //Gate open
   // digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);

I’ll start a different topic and post my full code once its edited, now that my internet connection is back.

Absolutely must have multiple pages- I’m just playing with this now and already I’m out of space. Anything but the most trivial home application is surely going to have controls in different rooms etc, maybe some indicators of temperature etc, As things stand you run out of room almost immediately on one page. Needs to be a quick way to move from one page to another in the same project. Imagine a house with RGB lighting - with one or two of those in a room, you could have half a dozen RGB lighting setups alone.


Ok, we got it guys :wink:

Our data shows slightly different info, but we took it into consideration. Let’s save it and close this topic

@tzapulica @scargill @Bobbo_SA dear all we just published Android update with support for multiple active dashes. Please check it :wink:


@Dmitriy you ve actually made me ressurect an old android i had laying around just for this :smile:
i hope the ios version is under approval as well

really cool we can have multiple projects running now.
one suggestion would be swipe left/right to switch between them, and because you are worried the swipe might break widget gestures, the swipes could be either from edge of screen (iOS has a special gesture recogniser for edge swipe, don’t know about android) or limit it just to the title/menu bar. swipe top of screen, change screen. it would make it seamless :smiley:

thank you very much, lovely seeing you listen

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Yes, It is.

@Pavel was worried about this :wink:.