Multiple "display value" widgets doesn't work with python lib

I have the same problem, blynklib version 0.2.6, blynk android app

Here is the simplest code that reproduces the error

blynk = blynklib.Blynk(BLYNK_AUTH, log=print)

@blynk.handle_event('read V*')
def read_virtual_pin_handler(pin):
    blynk.virtual_write(pin, "Pin"+str(pin))

while True:

The debug output confirms that “read V0”…“read V32” handlers are registered.

No matter how many “display value” widgets I add in the blynk app (for V1, V2…etc pins), only one of them actually get displayed. If I delete the widget which displays the value, another widget becomes active and so on, but never more than one of them. Again, the debug output from the python script confirms that only one pin’s value actually gets requested.