Moving forward

Ok … a bit stuck now… I have project that is being used, using a local wifi server, a module and Blynk App. This is being used in the test area of production of special effects machines.

First, initialisation of controls on app startup is going to be essential.

I use a ‘ticker’ counter so that the module knows when the app communication (app or server) has ceased. This resets the modules outputs (failsafe). The App does not have a clue, and will return as was left, not even sending the start up values. So, this is a very important feature that has to come soon.

As to the possibility of providing this setup to the outside world … The present sharing is ok for multiple sharing of a single project … A possible thought might be …

You have two Blynk apps … Blynk developer and Blynk. Blynk developer would be as Blynk now stands. Blynk (new) becomes an app which can read codes, set up log ins etc, but does not allow editing.
The author of a ‘project code’ can purchase codes (1,10,100 etc) which get placed in the generated project code, (one code number allowed per project. The auth code will relate to the supplied module, so duplication is not possible).

The user downloads the Blynk app, scans in the generated project code but also has to apply the code number issued, and can then set up log in etc as per instructions, relating to the supplied server etc.

Maybe get shot down here, but just want to move forward …

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Android supports that (iOs on its way). If your hard was reset - on hardware reconnect you could either restore latest values from app for now this is works for 0.12 server version and latest lib from trunk, either send your state to app. so it will be aware of that (with usual Blynk.virtualWrite).

Thanks for the update. Ok … server is now 0.12.0 … loaded latest libraries.

So, this should work?

String pinData = param.asStr();  // data comingin
slidV20val = param.asInt();
lastVal20= slidV20val;
const char* slid_dat =  pinData.c_str();   

//client.publish("outTopic" , slid_dat);
String pinData = param.asStr();  // data comingin
slidV21val = param.asInt();
const char* slid_dat =  pinData.c_str();   

//client.publish("outTopic" , slid_dat);
String pinData = param.asStr();  // data comingin
slidV22val = param.asInt();
const char* slid_dat =  pinData.c_str();   
//client.publish("outTopic" , slid_dat);
String pinData = param.asStr();  // data comingin
slidV23val = param.asInt();
const char* slid_dat =  pinData.c_str();   
//client.publish("outTopic" , slid_dat);

i.e slider on V20 should set the position of slider on V23? - just a test.
It doesn’t appear to do so … or do I need to create a new project as well maybe?

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Code is correct. But it appears that this feature is not yet published for Android =). It will be in next release. Sorry for confusion.

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