Missing superchart values & tab

Sometimes, and I still don’t know what trickers it, i miss 2 trendvalues in my superchart and from my 3 tabs only 2 are visible. When I close the app and reopen everthing is ok again

Version is 1.6.3 but seen the superchart issue also in previous version.

Pics say more then words…

Not normal

This is raspb.pi4 tab but not visible


Please specify which plan are you using?

Plus plan (on Android 12)

Please describe the steps when exactly the tab and the trendvalues in the superchart disappear?

Sorry, thats the hard thing…
I tried almost every combination with other apps or actions on the phone but can’t reproduce the fault myself.

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It will be fixed in the next update, which should be available by the end of the week.

Thanks :+1: