Migrating to the new version


all good now :slight_smile:

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Thank you anyway!

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Why does the slider function in ios not show the value like the legacy? The Web dashboard shows the value.

ok, realised I can add a value alongside it. Weird that the options are different to the web dashboard.

Do I need to change to the new app at all? I am using the local server.

The new app is not compatible with your local server.

You will, at some point, find that the Legacy apps disappear from the app/play stores. If you are an Android user then this isn’t too bad, as you can keep the latest Legacy .apk file and use that on your device - until updates to the Android OS eventually break the Blynk functionality - so you’ll be forced to run the Blynk app on an old device.
If you’re an iOS users then life will be much more difficult, unless you jailbreak your device.

If using a cloud service rather than a local server is an option then I’d recommend migrating to Blynk IoT.

If you haven’t seen it already, you should ensure that you read this:


Thanks very much for the info Peter. I was somewhat concerned that the Legacy app might be nobbled by an “update” and be rendered it inop. This happened to me with a postal company app (IOS), I think the app developer had an issue with the postal company and killed the app with an update.

I shall just have to hope that a future IOS update does not do the same. Have no plans to get a new IPhone or IPad.
I do not need the cloud version as only use Blynk app to monitor water tank levels and power consumption. Am very happy with the whole Blynk system and have learnt a lot from this forum.

As to the local server vulnerability, do I need to worry? My server is not accessible to the outside world, other than by VPN. It took me a long time to understand how to set up up and getting it running. I think I watched that UTube video with the charming lady about ten times.

Thanks again,

If you’re an iOS user (like me) then I think it will be a very real issue for Legacy users when the app disappears from the App Store.
The way that the Apple backup/restore/migrate process seems to work is that they backup a link to the app, as opposed to the app itself. This means that the app need to still exist in the app store for the process to work.

We’ve all experienced apps that stop working with the latest iOS update, and at some point in future that will almost certainly happen with the Blynk app.

That’s something you need to decide. If you are running your local server on a machine capable of running Java 11 then I’d say that you should upgrade to the latest local server release.

If you have a stable internet connection then I’d say that upgrading to the cloud IoT version is a good move,
