Locations not available in meta data

I have a template where the 5 default metadata fields are not available - device user and name are the only two listed. I need to add Location but that’s not an option on my template. How can I resolve this?

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Have you tried creating a new template ?

No, I need to make the change to an existing template.

Have you gone to Settings > Locations and added a location?

Are you the developer for your organisation?

Some screenshots might be useful.


I have the same issue, been scratching my head over this for a while.
Have added locations, and are the developer

Is it a quickstart template ?

I dont beleive so, I have made 3 templates and all the same

Do you know what, I think you have it, I used the duplicate function for them, I just did another from scratch and the meta is there !!, thanks for your help :smile: