Local Server Update

Hello guys, i was wondering if user data(projects, accounts) is preserved when i update server(when i upload new jar)? If not what should i copy from jar file?

Just update the jar file. It’ll save all your settings and stuff

So i will simply replace old jar with new one via ftp, or?

Yep, thats the ticket. I usually make a symbolic link to the jar file so I can have a static startup script.

Do you think it should be more complex :wink:?

:smiley: no, no, but I wasn’t sure about it.I thought that I will delete all data if I would replace it.

If you correctly specified dataFolder everything will be fine.

Good point. That’s why i was so curious about it :smile:

Thank you very much. I just copyied /tmp/blynk contents to a new dataFolder and it works like a charm.