LED colour not changing

I hope this is not something that’s already covered. I just realised I was using a green LED for heat and so changed the colour to red. It’s not changing. I set it to turn off then on and it’s still green. If I go back to editing - it IS set to RED and it is flashing green.

Try removing the LED and adding it for a second time.

@scargill confirm. Bug is present. Thanks for reporting.

Blow me… I turned the phone off - and now just saw your reply and turned the phone on and… it’s red… something to check there however - it was definitely not my imagination.

I’m glad I’m not going bonkers. Ok well, turning the phone off and on SEEMED to do something as the colour has fixed itself - at least you have confirmed it which will help to fix it. Not exactly a deal breaker.

@scargill we already fixed it. Will be in 1.10.3 with few more updates.

Excellent - well done. I’ve just finished re-labelling my buttons - nice.