LCD not updating the states


i have a sensor to indicate if the door open or close and its working good however every time i connect to the blynk app and push the play button in the corner to go online the LCD doesnt shows the states unless i move the sensor again ,

so my q is wen am offline in the app and go online again it shows blank in the LCD ,i want an update ,other wise i have to be connected all the time .
but wen i go offline and online again in the app it dosnt update if its closed or open i have to move the sensor again

any help i would appreciate it this is my code

// This #include statement was automatically added by the Particle IDE.
#include "SparkCorePolledTimer/SparkCorePolledTimer.h"

// This #include statement was automatically added by the Particle IDE.
#include "blynk/blynk.h"

// This #include statement was automatically added by the Particle IDE.
#include "blynk/blynk.h"
//#define BLYNK_PRINT Serial    

//#include "application.h"
#include "blynk/blynk.h"
#define GARAGE_ON D0
#define GARAGE_OFF D3
#define POWER D7

char auth[] = "xxxxxx";

//WidgetLED POWER(V1);

WidgetLCD lcd(V5);
int OldState;

void setup() {
  while (Blynk.connect() == false) {
    // Wait until connected
    // digitalWrite(POWER,HIGH);
    Particle.function("cloudFun1", fun1);


void loop() {
  if( digitalRead(1) != OldState )   // Stop hammering the server every loop
    if( digitalRead(1) == 0)
      lcd.print(0,0, "  Garage Door");
      lcd.print(5, 1, "Closed");
      lcd.print(0,0, "  Garage Door");
      lcd.print(6, 1, "Open");

int fun1(String args) {
 digitalWrite(GARAGE_OFF, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(GARAGE_OFF, LOW);
 return 1;


Hello. Do you use Android or iOS? Could you please post your widget settings? Also why do you stop project when going offline? If project turned off it will not accept any values when offline. It should be in “running” state.

am using iphone IOS
and the widget setting is LCD switch to Advanced and am using V5.
yes its running all times but in case my phone turn off and then back on i have to go to the BLYNK app and then run it again wen i run it again the lcd shows blank i have to open the door and close it inorder to appear again normal

Why do you have to run it again? Shouldn’t it be running already?

my photon is online and running all the time .
It the app some time I dont run wen I don’t need it so wen I come to run it and control the door again it won’t show the actual status I have to push the button to open the door .
It’s in running mode all time but in case I wanna add LED in the project i have to stop the app and add what ever I want then run it again correct in that case the LCD shows blank

This is what I mean sir won’t give me an update
If I have three project and I wanna go back and forth that’s what I meant

@dananmo Hello. Thank you so much! Bug is reproduced. We will try to fix ASAP.

@dananmo hello again. issue should be fixed in latest 1.12.1 release. Please let me know if not.

Is this update for the Blynk app it self ? Do I have to wait for it or its ready to install

This is just application and it is already in google play.

Hello sir I did check it and still is doing the same things it’s not updating t

Thanks. Look like something went wrong :slight_smile:

Thank u sir for ur responds as much as busy u are but still u don’t forget .
I appreciate that
Very successful app