Issues controlling servo with raspberry pi and Blynk

I have a servo connected to a raspberry pi zero w that is used to actuate the deadlock on my door. There is a physical pushbutton on the door that I would like to use to lock/unlock the door, but I haven’t be able to get that to work. The lock also seems to actuate by itself sometimes, which is not ideal. Here is the code I am running:

Any ideas on getting the physical button to work and how to stop the servo from moving by itself? Thanks!

var lockedState = 2200;

var motorPin = 14;
var buttonPin = 4
var ledPin = 17

var blynkToken = 'blynk_token_here';

// *** Start code *** //

var locked = true

//Setup servo
var Gpio = require('pigpio').Gpio,
motor = new Gpio(motorPin, {mode: Gpio.OUTPUT}),
button = new Gpio(buttonPin, {
 mode: Gpio.INPUT,
 pullUpDown: Gpio.PUD_DOWN,
 edge: Gpio.FALLING_EDGE
led = new Gpio(ledPin, {mode: Gpio.OUTPUT});

//Setup blynk
var Blynk = require('blynk-library');
var blynk = new Blynk.Blynk(blynkToken);
var v0 = new blynk.VirtualPin(0);

console.log("locking door")

button.on('interrupt', function (level) {
 console.log("level: " + level + " locked: " + locked)
 if (level == 0) {
 	if (locked) {
 	} else {

v0.on('write', function(param) {
 console.log('V0:', param);
 if (param[0] === '0') { //unlocked
 } else if (param[0] === '1') { //locked
 } else {
 	blynk.notify("Door lock button was pressed with unknown parameter");

blynk.on('connect', function() { console.log("Blynk ready."); });
blynk.on('disconnect', function() { console.log("DISCONNECT"); });

function lockDoor() {
 locked = true

 blynk.notify("Door has been locked!");
 //After 1.5 seconds, the door lock servo turns off to avoid stall current
 setTimeout(function(){motor.servoWrite(0)}, 1500)

function unlockDoor() {
 locked = false

 blynk.notify("Door has been unlocked!"); 

 //After 1.5 seconds, the door lock servo turns off to avoid stall current
 setTimeout(function(){motor.servoWrite(0)}, 1500)

``` var unlockedState = 1000;
var lockedState = 2200;

var motorPin = 14;
var buttonPin = 4
var ledPin = 17

var blynkToken = 'blynk_token_here';

// *** Start code *** //

var locked = true

//Setup servo
var Gpio = require('pigpio').Gpio,
motor = new Gpio(motorPin, {mode: Gpio.OUTPUT}),
button = new Gpio(buttonPin, {
 mode: Gpio.INPUT,
 pullUpDown: Gpio.PUD_DOWN,
 edge: Gpio.FALLING_EDGE
led = new Gpio(ledPin, {mode: Gpio.OUTPUT});

//Setup blynk
var Blynk = require('blynk-library');
var blynk = new Blynk.Blynk(blynkToken);
var v0 = new blynk.VirtualPin(0);

console.log("locking door")

button.on('interrupt', function (level) {
 console.log("level: " + level + " locked: " + locked)
 if (level == 0) {
 	if (locked) {
 	} else {

v0.on('write', function(param) {
 console.log('V0:', param);
 if (param[0] === '0') { //unlocked
 } else if (param[0] === '1') { //locked
 } else {
 	blynk.notify("Door lock button was pressed with unknown parameter");

blynk.on('connect', function() { console.log("Blynk ready."); });
blynk.on('disconnect', function() { console.log("DISCONNECT"); });

function lockDoor() {
 locked = true

 blynk.notify("Door has been locked!");
 //After 1.5 seconds, the door lock servo turns off to avoid stall current
 setTimeout(function(){motor.servoWrite(0)}, 1500)

function unlockDoor() {
 locked = false

 blynk.notify("Door has been unlocked!"); 

 //After 1.5 seconds, the door lock servo turns off to avoid stall current
 setTimeout(function(){motor.servoWrite(0)}, 1500)