Issue with multiple virtual pin read in Python

I am observing strange behavior of the virtual pin read event handler in python. Here is the case:
HW is Raspberry pi. In the app:
One “Numeric Input” widget on virtual pin 10 (get volume to be pumped)
One “Value display” widget on VP11 (display how long will take the pumping)
One “Button” widget on VP12 to trigger the pump
One “Value display” widget to show,when pump has been turned on, how much time is left before it is turned off.

The code here below works fine for pump1.
The second part of the code is the exact same code with pump2 on VP14-17 but for some reasons, the value display widgets are not updated (the events are not handled).

Any idea ?

#------------------------------------------- P U M P 1 -----------
PUMP1_duration = 0
PUMP1_off = time.time()
# register handler for virtual pin V10 write event (get volume to be pumped) 
@blynk.handle_event('write V10')
def write_virtual_pin_handler(pin, value):
    global PUMP1_duration
    PUMP1_duration = float(value[0])/flowRatePump1

# register handler for virtual pin V11 reading (display duration of pumping)
@blynk.handle_event('read V11')
def read_virtual_pin_handler(pin):
    global PUMP1_duration
    blynk.virtual_write(pin, PUMP1_duration)

# register handler for virtual pin V12 write event (push button to trigger the pump)
@blynk.handle_event('write V12')
def write_virtual_pin_handler(pin, value):
    global PUMP1_duration
    global PUMP1_off
    global NOW_PUMPING1
    NOW_PUMPING1 = True    
    PUMP1_off = time.time()+PUMP1_duration
    pin0.value = True
# register handler for virtual pin V13 reading (time left fefore switchng off pump1)
@blynk.handle_event('read V13')
def read_virtual_pin_handler(pin):
    global PUMP1_off
    global NOW_PUMPING1
    timeLeft = max(0,int(PUMP1_off - time.time()))
    if timeLeft == 0 and NOW_PUMPING1:
        NOW_PUMPING1 = False
        pin0.value =False
#------------------------------------- P U M P 2 ------------------------------------
PUMP2_duration = 0
PUMP2_off = time.time()

# register handler for virtual pin V14 write event (get volume to be pumped) 
@blynk.handle_event('write V14')
def write_virtual_pin_handler(pin, value):
    global PUMP2_duration
    PUMP2_duration = float(value[0])/flowRatePump2
# register handler for virtual pin V15 reading (display duration of pumping)
@blynk.handle_event('read V15')
def read_virtual_pin_handler(pin):
    global PUMP2_duration
    blynk.virtual_write(pin, PUMP2_duration)
# register handler for virtual pin V16 write event (push button to trigger pump2)
@blynk.handle_event('write V16')
def write_virtual_pin_handler(pin, value):
    global PUMP2_duration
    global PUMP2_off
    global NOW_PUMPING2
    NOW_PUMPING2 = True
    PUMP2_off = time.time()+PUMP2_duration
    pin1.value = True
# register handler for virtual pin V17 reading (time left fefore switchng off pump2)
@blynk.handle_event('read V17')
def read_virtual_pin_handler(pin):
    global PUMP2_off
    global NOW_PUMPING2 
    timeLeft = max(0,int(PUMP2_off - time.time()))
    if timeLeft == 0 and NOW_PUMPING2:
        NOW_PUMPING2 = False
        pin1.value = 0

Please edit your post (using the pencil icon) and put the correct triple backtick characters at the beginning and end of your code so that it displays correctly.
Triple backticks look like this:


The item can be closed as I have opened another thread highlighting the issue in a much simpler way. Please refer to Multiple “display value” widgets doesn’t work with python lib