Invalid auth token message

I’ve split this into a new topic (again - you really should start your own topics and if necessary link to other potentially relayed ones if appropriate) because although your error message is the same, the cause is different.


You’re using the old version of the C++ library, you need to upgrade to 1.x.x

As you’re still using the old horse-drawn cart technology (AKA Arduino UNO WiFi Rev2) you’ll need to modify the 1.x.x library as described here…

to manually fix a bug relating to this board which hasn’t been resolved yet in the current release.

I’d also strongly suggest that you stop doing this…

and use Blynk.begin(auth); instead. However, as I’ve previously discussed in your other topic, you should really stop using Blynk.begin when you are managing your own network connection and instead use Blynk.config and Blynk.connect instead.

For your first attempt at using Blynk IoT I’d really recommend that you use a simple example sketch and get that working, then move on to something more complex, especially with this hardware.
