or future people who want to make this work.
- Check on what region are you on. Go on web dashboard, and in the right low corner, it should say Region:fra1 , fra2 etc.
This are all the regions:
https://fra1.blynk.cloud/ – Frankfurt
https://lon1.blynk.cloud/ – London
https://ny3.blynk.cloud/ – New York
https://sgp1.blynk.cloud/ – Singapore
https://blr1.blynk.cloud/ – Bangalore
- The correct syntax to make a GET request is this:
- your_token_here = your project’s token
- vx = where “x” is the virtual pin number you want to control
- command = what command you want to send, like 1,0 etc.
Big thanks to @VIGHNESHNS2008 who took his time to help me privately.