I have tried by changing values of pins by passing strings but it not worked plz help me

@shama OK, I loaded up a NodeMCU and tested with the API…

it seems you do need to have the letter D with the pin, but NOT as in using the silk screened designations…

So… the silkscreened pin D3 = GPIO pin 0 but you need to write it as D0 in the API URL… does that make sense? :stuck_out_tongue:

And no quotes or apostrophes around the value… So try this

And I seem unable to use PWM with direct pin manipulation, so 0 and 1 are the options… just like you want anyhow :smiley:

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I’ll create a seperate topic, I like to know how it actually works.

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Thanks Gunner it working for all pins thanks lotttttttt:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::grinning::grinning:
Atlast we succeeded hurrah!!!

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