I cannot share project

Hi Blynkers.
I have problem with sharing my project.
In juny of previous year I shared this project for my frend, but since September he has not used it.
In this month I changed this project:

  • is changed auth token of first from 5 devices in project,
  • updated Blynk App up v2.16.1,
  • instead widget Graph now is used widget SuperChart.
    After this I want to share this project, but cannot to do this. I do sharing so as poited in Doc:
    -shared access On - Generate Link - appears QR code - send QR through Viber. But the energy does not decrease by 1000 and after scaning of QR code no access to the project.
    May be in first it is necessary to close old sharing, but I couldn’t found in Doc how to.
    Please help me.


Do you mean 2.18.1? Please regenerate QR again. This should help.

Thank You, Dmitriy.
Yes, You are right - v2.18.1.

Please regenerate QR again. This should help

Do You mean click the button Generate Link? I did this - 1000 of energy is not subtracted.

There should be button “Refresh” I guess. Do you mean sharing or cloning?

I mean sharing.

There should be button “Refresh” I guess

But I not see such button in window

Guys, really can not anyone help?

Based on your current switch setting… you have sharing turned off. Thus you are effectively starting from scratch.

Turn the switch on and follow the procedure… do not turn it off again or you could be charged the energy next time again.

Thank You, Gunner.

The screensot above is from Doc not how I did.
At the beginning of my post I described my actions - they are the same as you advise.
The fact of the matter is that I do right, but the result is negative. Wy it may be?

Some points:

  1. Please, open the share screen with the share QR image and press a refresh button on it.
  2. The shared project should be in a run state for the shared access to it.

@klg local server?


I did so and sent QR via Viber. But dont know yet eithe opened project my frend or not
because he rides now in the car.
By the way energy is not subtracted again (mey be because I already shared this project?).

I scaned QR code of shared project. What is the auth token in QR code - access token to project, not token of device?

Thank You All.
My freand got access to the project. I not clicked button Refresh, therefore got problem.