How to use more than one ESP8266-01 to Blynk


I´ve one ESP8266-01 working very well, but I want join more ESP8266-01
I don´t know how to differentiate one ESP8266 from another
because I want to use the Auth Token

Please help meee


Each esp will have to have its own project. Each project is assigned an individual Token. To get the esp’s talking to each other you will have to use the ‘bridge’ function whereby the other esp’s Token is used within each esp program. (‘sketch’), still logging on with the individuals Token.
Alternatively if each esp logs on with the same Token, both will be talked to by the same project, or so I have been led to believe.

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I will try later…

Dear Friends

I won´t to use one project for each ESP8266 is not usefull
May be if I use an Arduino with ESP8266 to control the others
I will to point in that direction

Any Contribution is welcome!

Thanks again !!!

I think what you want is the Bridge function. You can control multiple blynk devices with that from one device. It is still necessary to give each device it’s own token, but you can control them all from one dashboard. There is documentation available for this here:

And I believe there are a couple example sketches in the library :slight_smile:

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Hey, in general, if you want just to control 2 ESP2866 with separate App Projects, just create new project in the App, and use that App’s Auth Token for the second ESP8266/Arduino/whatever…

Bridge is used to control one hardware platform device from another.

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Other problems


Please Tell me what you think…
I decide to work with 10 ESP8266-12
all 10 with the same Auth Token
To differenciate each one, I shall assign a different GPIO, to each button
for example in the

ESP8266-12-01 use the GPIO0
ESP8266-12-02 use the GPIO1
ESP8266-12-03 use the GPIO2
ESP8266-12-04 use the GPIO3
ESP8266-12-05 use the GPIO4
ESP8266-12-06 use the GPIO5
ESP8266-12-07 use the GPIO12
ESP8266-12-08 use the GPIO13
ESP8266-12-09 use the GPIO14
ESP8266-12-10 use the GPIO15

Can Blynk manage all of them?

I think you’re better off using virtual pins in this case because you have more control with those. You can assign more IO pins with that.

Why not use a ESP-01? If you only need one IO port per ESP?

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Thanks I´m reading Virtual pins now, but…
First. I just want to know if Blynk can manage many different devices
at the same time, with the same auth token, in the same project

Second. I propose this strategic, because I need to control the devices separately
using the same type of hardware Blynk gave us 10 project max. (10 different pages for devices)
thats means 10 auth token (1 for every page, or if you prefer 1 for every project)

1 auth token = 1 page in smartphone = 1 project

So I want to use 1 page for every room of my house
imagine a room with 3 different light switch distant from the others,
and 3 different wall plug power, distant from the others
I mean this is wifi man, I dont want to use cables
Well in this page called Art Room,
I will put 6 widgets buttons, 3 for every light and 3 for every power plug
all working in the same project/page

For this theory example, I propose to use 6 different ESP8266-12
because Blynk don’t distinguish between one ESP8266 from another ESP8266,
I don’t want to use cables for join all the devices
for that reason I think to use 6 different pins from every ESP8266-12
But I don’t have an answer at this respect
Please Answer me

No, you need a separate auth token for each device if you want to manage all the pins independent of each other. You could in theory use the same auth token for each device. Technically, this works fine, but there are limitations:

If you send a command to say, switch on GPIO15 on a device with auth token X, all devices will respond to that command. So, if you have a relay for lights attached to it, all ESP’s will switch that pin. You may be able to use virtual pins, but that way you still don’t have enough pins to control from what I gather you want.

Second, you can run more than 10 projects. This is a limitation of the cloud server. If you run a local server on a small computer or a raspberry pi you can run more than 10 projects and your latency will even improve.

So if you want to have, say 4 rooms under control, with 6 relays/lights in each room you need 24 pins. This still can be done with the number of virtual pins available:

V0 sends command to ESP number 1, turn on pin 15
V1 sends command to ESP number 1, turn on pin 14
V2 sends command to ESP number 1, turn on pin 4

V3 sends command to ESP number 2, turn on pin 15
V4 sends command to ESP number 2, turn on pin 14
V5 sends command to ESP number 2, turn on pin 4

Etc. This way you can control everything from one dashboard.

If you want to control each room with a separate dashboard it’s even easier because you can use the physical pins because each dashboard has it’s own auth token and therefor it’s own ESP.

I hope this clears things up a bit for you.


@artgan Lichtsignaal is right. So briefly - yes, you can use same token for many hardware. So on every app action all hardware will get same command. How to handle that - up to you.

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Thanks Guys
Lichtsignal and Dmitriy
You two have made me very happy :smile:

To know that Blynk will handle all the ESP8266’s is good for me,
in that way I shall install every ESP physically separately
because the controls are distant between them.
now lets to the building of the proyect!

Thanks again

the strategic to use Virtual Pins, is still complicated for me
I think that, I need more practice in the code part,
for to pair fisical pins, with virtual pins
I promise to study Virtual pins

I learn more about Blynk every day, thanks people like you guys
but… don´t take a rest from me, cause I will continue asking

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2 posts were split to a new topic: Two NodMCUs with the same Tooken but different V pins