[SOLVED] How to use Http request with IFTTT

right now it is on 3G network and can you tell me how you`ve turn onboard led on

Did it turn ON? Pretty sure it’s not, looks like it’s being blocked.

I am using:


NO nothing happened

Looks like it’s being blocked.

can you turn any onboard led on off again like youve done it previously as youve said

The ON and OFF is at the Blynk server not your MCU.

{"id":1751593800,"parentId":-1,"isPreview":false,"name":"led","createdAt":1500797703644,"updatedAt":1500837006016,"widgets":[{"type":"BUTTON","id":199475,"x":0,"y":0,"color":600084223,"width":2,"height":2,"tabId":0,"isEnabled":true,"isDefaultColor":true,"deviceId":0,"pinType":"DIGITAL","pin":4,"pwmMode":true,"rangeMappingOn":false,"min":0,"max":1,"value":"0","pushMode":false}],"devices":[{"id":0,"name":"led","boardType":"NodeMCU","token":"xxxxxxx","connectionType":"WI_FI","status":"ONLINE","disconnectTime":1500835197963,"lastLoggedIP":""}],"theme":"BlynkLight","keepScreenOn":false,"isAppConnectedOn":false,"isShared":false,"isActive":true,"hardwareInfo":{"version":"0.4.8","boardType":"NodeMCU","buildDate":"Jul 23 2017 13:50:12","heartbeatInterval":10},"pinsStorage":{"0-d2":"1","0-d0":"1"}}

Pin 4 (GPIO 2) is shown as “value”:“0” (off and not being updated)

And data still to be sent to your MCU from the server “pinsStorage”:{“0-d2”:“1”,“0-d0”:“1”}

Suspect you tried to send to D0 instead of D2.

yes I`ve tried once using my web browser but nothing happened on my led

Can you press your Blynk button to turn on the LED and let me know when the LED is on.

I will then check if the server sees that the pin is ON or if you have mixed up tokens / IP’s etc.

now led is on you can see

Yes I now see “value”:“1” so token and IP look OK.

Probably your 3G / 4G service provider is blocking the required port.

youve said that youve controlled my onboard led can you do this again

No, it was only controlling the Blynk server.

but I`ve seen onboard led on once can you try once again

now onboard led is ON can you tell me how I can do this using url

Loos like your ISP is not blocking the port.

Is the Onboard LED on now?


1 Like

Should be off now, right?

Onboard LED is GPIO 2 labelled D4 but specifically active LOW, not HIGH.

So from a browser this is ON


and this is off


Test from your browser and confirm it is OK then I will explain something further that I see on the server.

Edit: note the D2 means digital pin 2 not NodeMCU / WeMos pin labelled D2 which is digital pin 4. This will only work once a button has been added in the app that is tied to the correct pin.

I think You`re switching my external led ON and OFF

Think you are right.
Is your external LED that is tied to D2 (GPIO 4) currently ON?
