How to transfer widgets from tab to new project?

I want to transfer a tab to an other exising project instead of starting all over again

is there a way to do it?

using local blynk server

There is no such feature, unfortunately

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You can clone, and then delete the widgets and tabs you don’t need.

yes but clonning is for a new project, not to add on an existing dashboard.
don’t worry.
thank you for your help.

I have never tried it, but I believe you can try to copy/paste from the relevant JSON files (I believe that is what they are called) in Local Server (if you use that)… But if not careful you may end up with a bit of a mess.

I split blynk.user with microsoft word, 52 pages !!!
too complicated but interesting !!!

"textFormatLine1":"Température /pin0./ °C"
"textFormatLine2":"Humidité    /pin1./ %"


Google for JSON editors

yes, but microsoft word do the same with 2 mouse clics
I have to understand the structure , but I will spend less time starting over !
only 18 buttons :smile: :smile:


I am also learning about JSON… I loaded a basic Chrome App JSON editor and can finally see how it looks.

This is one of my simple projects… a whole whopping two buttons :stuck_out_tongue: for my two Sonoffs


        "id": 304879542,
        "parentId": -1,
        "isPreview": false,
        "name": "Sonoff",
        "createdAt": 1523421348656,
        "updatedAt": 1526951772859,
        "widgets": [
            "type": "BUTTON",
            "id": 99836,
            "x": 1,
            "y": 1,
            "color": 79755519,
            "width": 2,
            "height": 2,
            "tabId": 0,
            "label": "Shower RGB",
            "isDefaultColor": false,
            "deviceId": 0,
            "pinType": "VIRTUAL",
            "pin": 0,
            "pwmMode": false,
            "rangeMappingOn": false,
            "min": 0,
            "max": 1,
            "value": "1",
            "pushMode": false
            "type": "BUTTON",
            "id": 182682,
            "x": 5,
            "y": 1,
            "color": -308477697,
            "width": 2,
            "height": 2,
            "tabId": 0,
            "label": "Closet Light",
            "isDefaultColor": false,
            "deviceId": 64193,
            "pinType": "VIRTUAL",
            "pin": 0,
            "pwmMode": false,
            "rangeMappingOn": false,
            "min": 0,
            "max": 1,
            "value": "0.0",
            "pushMode": false
        "devices": [
            "id": 0,
            "name": "Sonoff I",
            "boardType": "ESP8266",
            "token": "43f4edf886xxxxxxxxxx3c6d0c5d3",
            "vendor": "Sonoff I",
            "connectionType": "WI_FI",
            "status": "ONLINE",
            "disconnectTime": 1526951770672,
            "connectTime": 1526951772763,
            "lastLoggedIP": "",
            "hardwareInfo": {
              "version": "0.5.2",
              "boardType": "Arduino",
              "build": "Apr 28 2018 02:24:49",
              "heartbeatInterval": 10,
              "buffIn": 1024
            "isUserIcon": false
            "id": 64193,
            "name": "Sonoff II",
            "boardType": "ESP8266",
            "token": "abb266472xxxxxxxxxx16ad9661e0",
            "vendor": "Sonoff II",
            "connectionType": "WI_FI",
            "status": "ONLINE",
            "disconnectTime": 1526949591902,
            "connectTime": 1526950031511,
            "lastLoggedIP": "",
            "hardwareInfo": {
              "version": "0.5.2",
              "boardType": "Arduino",
              "build": "Apr 28 2018 02:24:51",
              "heartbeatInterval": 10,
              "buffIn": 1024
            "isUserIcon": false
        "theme": "Blynk",
        "keepScreenOn": true,
        "isAppConnectedOn": false,
        "isNotificationsOff": false,
        "isShared": false,
        "isActive": true,
        "widgetBackgroundOn": false

Interesting how the hardwareInfo thinks they are Arduinos :thinking:


@vshymanskyy is Arduino correct for ESP8266?

1 Like

ESP8266 IS Arduino in this scenario. It uses Arduino Core!
Anyway, Arduino mean that library couldn’t detect model more precisely. It should not matter for community edition projects.