How to Set the Color of an LED to an RGB Value

I want to send an RGB (24 bit) value from my Sensor to the Blynk app on my phone that will change the color of my LED to the values I send from the sensor.
How can I do this?


Blynk legacy (0.1) or Blynk 2.0 ?


Blynk on my phone is 2.27.30
Blynk C library for my ESP32 is 1.0


So, you’re using the Blynk legacy app, so should be using Blynk library version 0.6.1, not 1.0.0

You need to use the Blynk.setProperty command, as documented here…

I’d start with the Sketch Builder example here…


Thanks Pete, got everything working now!

Is the newer library no longer supporting the RGB setColor() function?

The new library is for the new version of Blynk, and attempting to use it with the legacy version of a Blynk can lead to unexpected issues. Better to stick to 0.6.1 with Blynk legacy.
