How to remove unwanted servo movements on esp8266 esp-01

When the blue light of esp8266 flashes(communication led), the servo does littles movements, and i kind of understand why does it happen, but i want to know if there´s any way to stop that.

The LED is usually connected to GPIO 2 (the pin labelled D4).
If that’s what your servo is connected to then use a different pin for your servo.


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i´m using the esp8266 esp-01 wifi module on arduino, but thank you anyway !

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Which pin is the servo connected to? It could still be affecting it if your code is writing to both (1 1/2) serial port on the Uno. Also there is a servo detach command for when the servo is not moving that may be of use.

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i´m using the servo on the pin 9 and i´m using software serial on (2,3) rx,tx. anyway the detach hint worked, so thank you.