My sketch and related project is a work in progress. It was the desire to build an all inclusive hydroponics controller that got me into microcontrollers, coding and circuit building. I have been at it now for roughly 2 1/2 years. I have learned a lot, though still need to learn more. I discovered Blynk roughly a year ago and have also made great things happen in my sketch. I use a hardware RTC instead of Blynk’s widget and also use 2 temp/humidity sensors and pass the data to Blynk app. Last night I learned how to forward my Serial.print statements with terminal.print. I am new, though not yesterday new, and TBH, learning how to graft Blynk concepts in my code adds to the difficulty of teaching myself all of this, none the less I am severely determined and will punch through every problem I encounter regarding this project.
I believe I asked a question and the very next reply gave me the location of the best place to start digging, and dig I shall!
Thank you all for the tips!
Edit - HERE is what my project and code looked like last year, EEEK!!! One foot in front of the other…