How to itegrate Blynk into existing Arduino Ethernet sketch


I’m looking to integrate the Arduino Blynk library into my Arduino sketch which already has existing Ethernet code for initializing the W5100, creating Servers & Clients to handle up to 3 simultaneous incoming connections. I have already played around with Blynk on it’s own, but I need to know what Blynk.begin() and all do and how I can have my sketch also listen for my own server’s requests.

Does anyone have any experience using Blynk for Arduino in conjunction with their own Ethernet shield code or the ICMP-Ping library?

Bump…does anyone have any ideas?

Hello. Here - some documentation. Let us know if that helps.

I will play around with it again another time but thanks for pointing out that documentation. I had looked through the docs but somehow missed it. Something about the Blynk documentation that I find difficult to use.