How to change SimpleTimer timer interval remotely?

I’m struggeling to understand what you need help with?
You are posting different codes. You were on the right path with post #17, then you went bananaz and posted another piece of code which is entirely different :stuck_out_tongue:

Reason why your code in post #17 did not work is due to syntax errors from what I can see.

As I mentioned earlier, there was the double paranthesis but now I also notice you have a missing bracket.

#include <SimpleTimer.h>
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <BlynkSimpleEsp8266.h>
#include <SimpleTimer.h>
#include <Blynk.h>

int timerID =1;
int notifyUptime;
SimpleTimer timer;

BLYNK_WRITE(V0){   // add a slider on V0 range 0 to 30 (minutes)
  int seconds = param.asInt();
  timerID = timer.setInterval(seconds * 10000L, notifyUptime);
  Serial.print("V0 Slider value is: ");
  Serial.print("CountdownValue will be: ");

void setup()
   timerID = timer.setInterval(10000L, notifyUptime);  //<--- EXTRA PARANTHESIS EARLIER

void loop() 

Try it out. And next time do me a favour, before you post your code make sure you catch theese minor errors yourself, its not fun spending my time debugging at this level and I will refrain from helping unless I am extreeeeeeeeeeemly bored if I notice that errors are at this level. :stuck_out_tongue:


9 posts were split to a new topic: Can´t change the timer interval