How i can add my hardware

There are cards we have developed based on esp32 and esp32-s2. What do I need to do to add these cards to the Blinky application.

Thank you from now.

Hey there,
Can you explain please ?

On the Blynk legacy app we used to select connection type and device type like nodemcu, mrk…, standalone etc etc.

He wants his device to be listed like that i guess.

@Madhukesh yes.

The purpose of selecting a board type in Blynk Legacy was to change the list of analog and digital pins available in the app, and to ensure that these mapped to the correct hardware pins on the device when using analog or digital pins (as opposed to virtual pins).
It also restricted the number of virtual pins available for boards that had 8-bit processors and limited memory/processing power.

In Blynk IoT only virtual pins were available initially, and the numbers of datastreams is limited by your plan type rather than the selected board type.
If you use virtual pins then it makes no difference what hardware you are using, you handle the digitalWrites and digitalReads yourself.

If you want to use analog or digital pins in your Blynk IoT datastreams then it’s currently anybody’s guess how this is meant to work, as discussed here…


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This is “” my boards arduino core github.
I want to add my boards blynk app. Select connection type and device type like sparkfun,nodemcu, …, standalone etc etc.

So you aren’t happy with users choosing “Other” as the board type?


ı use Blynk legacy app. I cant see “other”

Blynk Legacy is no longer supported or being developed, and new account creation is blocked.
In Legacy, the “Generic Board” is probably what you should choose.


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Thank you @PeteKnight