I have problems with history graph. It always shows not enough data to display. I am running my server on raspberry pi - i updated to 0.10.2 version but still no success. I have csv files on pi vith data from pins but i cant see any data on history graph… I waited for few hours but nothing… I have arduino mega on ethernet with ds18b20 sensor and i get temp on virtual pins and get data on value display. Is history graph working on local server?
if bin file is present everything should work. Are selecting correct pins? With data? Have in mind that at moment history graph is updated only once per hour (today we will release new version with every minute update).
Solved the problem- nothing wrong with Blynk. I had wrong date and time setup on my Pi and i was always checking daily graph where nothing was showing. When i looked 3m graph i saw a dot. Now it is working ok.
Thank you Dimitry for your help.