Helpme: error starting Blynk server. stopping

Does your server device have multiple network interfaces (wireless and Ethernet?)


The parameters of the server device:

H/W path Device Class Description

                         system         PRIMERGY RX1330 M4 (ABN:K1640-V101-1

/0 bus D3675-A1
/0/0 memory 64KiB BIOS
/0/22 memory 16GiB System Memory
/0/22/0 memory [empty]
/0/22/1 memory 8GiB DIMM DDR4 Synchronous 2667 MHz
/0/22/2 memory [empty]
/0/22/3 memory 8GiB DIMM DDR4 Synchronous 2667 MHz
/0/2c memory 256KiB L1 cache
/0/2d memory 1MiB L2 cache
/0/2e memory 8MiB L3 cache
/0/2f processor Intel® Xeon® E-2134 CPU @ 3.50GH
/0/100 bridge Intel Corporation
/0/100/8 generic Skylake Gaussian Mixture Model
/0/100/12 generic Intel Corporation
/0/100/14 bus Intel Corporation
/0/100/14/0 usb1 bus xHCI Host Controller
/0/100/14/0/b bus Virtual Hub
/0/100/14/0/b/1 input Virtual Keyboard and Mouse
/0/100/14/1 usb2 bus xHCI Host Controller
/0/100/14.2 memory RAM memory
/0/100/15 bus Intel Corporation
/0/100/15.1 bus Intel Corporation
/0/100/16 communication Intel Corporation
/0/100/16.1 communication Intel Corporation
/0/100/16.4 communication Intel Corporation
/0/100/17 scsi0 storage Intel Corporation
/0/100/17/0 /dev/sda disk 480GB Micron_5200_MTFD
/0/100/17/0/1 /dev/sda1 volume 1905MiB Windows FAT volume
/0/100/17/0/2 /dev/sda2 volume 445GiB RAID partition
/0/100/17/1 /dev/sdb disk 480GB Micron_5200_MTFD
/0/100/17/1/1 /dev/sdb1 volume 1905MiB Windows FAT volume
/0/100/17/1/2 /dev/sdb2 volume 445GiB RAID partition
/0/100/17/2 /dev/sdc disk 8001GB HGST HUS728T8TAL
/0/100/17/2/1 /dev/sdc1 volume 7452GiB RAID partition
/0/100/17/3 /dev/sdd disk 8001GB HGST HUS728T8TAL
/0/100/17/3/1 /dev/sdd1 volume 7452GiB RAID partition
/0/100/17/0.0.0 /dev/cdrom disk DVDRAM GUD0N
/0/100/1b bridge Intel Corporation
/0/100/1c bridge Intel Corporation
/0/100/1c/0 bridge x1 PCIe Gen2 Bridge[Pilot4]
/0/100/1c/0/0 display MGA G200e [Pilot] ServerEngines (SEP
/0/100/1c/0/1 processor Fujitsu Technology Solutions
/0/100/1c.1 bridge Intel Corporation
/0/100/1c.1/0 eno1 network I210 Gigabit Network Connection
/0/100/1c.2 bridge Intel Corporation
/0/100/1c.2/0 eno2 network I210 Gigabit Network Connection
/0/100/1e communication Intel Corporation
/0/100/1f bridge Intel Corporation
/0/100/1f.4 bus Intel Corporation
/0/100/1f.5 bus Intel Corporation
/0/1 system PnP device PNP0c02
/0/2 communication PnP device PNP0501
/0/3 system PnP device PNP0c02
/0/4 generic PnP device INT3f0d
/0/5 system PnP device PNP0c02
/0/6 system PnP device PNP0c02
/0/7 system PnP device PNP0c02
/0/8 system PnP device PNP0c02
/0/9 generic PnP device FXY0815
/1 power
/2 docker0 network Ethernet interface

The router is: Cyberoam CR10wiNG. It has Ethernet and Wi-Fi ports.


My guess is that there are multiple IP addresses for the device, one for each network adapter. The Blynk server will be bound to one of these adapters, but not necessarily the one at

This is certainly the way it works with my Pi 4, which has different IPs for the WiFi and Ethernet adapters and Blynk is bound to the Ethernet adapter.

Scanning the network with something like Advanced IP Scanner should show you the IP addresses in use by your device. Try working through these to see if you can access the Blynk control panel from any of them.


I have tried all IP-s of the server. My guess is that some settings of the server device (Debian) block full launching of the Blynk server. It looks like the Blynk server is running but it doesn’t actually complete the startup process. Probably there is need to change some entry in the settings of the Blynk server or/and Debian but I don’t know, what.


I have solved my problems:

  1. I had to generate certificates for SSL. I wonder that the server didn’t show errors. After I have added the certtificates to the file I could log in to the admin settings.
  2. When the blynk server was launched on Linux I couldn’t close my session because closing of the session terminated the blynk server. I had to change settings of Linux (Java) by:
    nohup java -jar server-0.41.13.jar &

Now the blynk server works correct.

Thank you for your help and time

Krzysztof Mazurek