Help with wifi connection issue

Question - how can I persuade my router to recognise my demos d1? It worked briefly and now just will not connect.

Background: I have four Wemos D1’s all connecting nicely to the house wifi router. No issues with them and they are variously checking temperature inside and outside my house, and controlling a relay to give me hive functionality over my central heating boiler.

However, I have two more WEMOS boards that arent behaving. I can upload my Blynk sketches but they don’t (won’t) connect to the house wifi - they dont appear on my home router page.

I have tried a variety of blynk sketches and arduino sketches - no blynk sketches seem to work. I have tried the ardunio WiFiScan sketch which runs and identifies all the wifi networks (mine and my neighbours). I have tried the arduino WiFiAccessPoint, which works. I just cant get the board to connect to my wifi and its driving me nuts!

So I have deduced that the boards are working - they can load and run programs that communicate with the serial monitor, and I can flash the on board LED. The wifi aerial is working as it can see wifi networks and I can connect to it as an access point.

I dont really know what to try next. for some reason my home router does not show the boards.

For completeness, the router is a Sagecom Plusnet Hub One, which can see all the other (working) ESP’s

  1. Search forum for similar topics - done this, it has not solved my issue
  2. Check and
  3. Add details :
    • WEMOS D1 R2 mini
    • Samsung S9 Oreo
    • Blynk server
    • Blynk Library version 0.5.4
    • This is the simplest of blynk examples, with added OTA code (which is the same as for the four working ESP’s.
#define BLYNK_PRINT Serial

#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <BlynkSimpleEsp8266.h>
//#include <WiFiUdp.h>
#include <ArduinoOTA.h>

// You should get Auth Token in the Blynk App.
// Go to the Project Settings (nut icon).
char auth[] = "cdc*************bbd";

// Your WiFi credentials.
char ssid[] = "P**********3";
char pass[] = "4************7";

void setup()
  // Debug console

  Blynk.begin(auth, ssid, pass);
  ArduinoOTA.setHostname("otaEsp_hello"); // give an name to our module
  ArduinoOTA.begin(); // OTA initialization

void loop()

Add your question / problem.

Hi Costa’s. I thought I had been quite clear, however, I have modified my post to include a question. I’m stumped.

@Nova this was your original “post”

Before creating the topic

  1. Search forum for similar topics
  2. Check and
  3. Add details :
    • Hardware model + communication type. For example: Arduino UNO with Ethernet Shield
    • Smartphone OS (iOS or Android) + version
    • Blynk server or local server
    • Blynk Library version
    • Add your sketch code. :point_up: Code should be formatted as example below.

Simply paste your code between ``` If you don’t format your code, your topic can be deleted by moderators.

void loop()


Simple question , is your router not on maximun users ? or are the new ones blocked.
ps: switch off some users and login to your router to see or something is blocked

Ouch! Yes it was as it was my first post and I edited it immediately.

No I don’t think so as I have added some commercial esp based plugs with no problems.

We can’t troubleshoot your network or router :wink:

But can you provide serial monitor output to show the connection attempts of the ESP8266?

Try disconnecting your other Wemos devices from their power supplies, rebooting your router and then just powering-up your two misbehaving Wemos boards.
If they connect then, you may have run out of available DHCP client addresses, in which case you should probably change your router settings to increase the size of the pool.

You may also have an issue with multiple devices trying to use the same OTA hostne?


Try disconnecting your other Wemos devices from their power supplies, rebooting your router and then just powering-up your two misbehaving Wemos boards.
If they connect then, you may have run out of available DHCP client addresses, in which case you should probably change your router settings to increase the size of the pool.

You may also have an issue with multiple devices trying to use the same OTA hostne?


1 Like

Thanks Peter knight. I will give that a try and see what happens.

So this has actually done the trick. As Gunner said, your not here to solve my router problems, but Peter Knight has actually done just that.
I can only assume that the bt home hub had a list of devices that it has had connected to it and that this list got corrupted so that when my little esp tried to connect it recognised it but would not allow it to connect.
I could get the esp to be a server, to search and identify the WiFi networks available to our, just not get it to connect.
So, in case anyone has this issue, the answer was to reset (not reboot) the router.
Thanks for your help.


That’s your problem right there! :roll_eyes:

Glad you’re sorted now.
