First of all, can you please edit your initial post and put triple backticks at the beginning and end of your IDE compile/upload error message so that it displays correctly.
Triple backticks are the characters you used to format your code.
You make multiple references to DIGITALwrite when you actually mean VIRTUALwrite., you might want to fix that too.
The upload message is caused by communication problems between your board and the IDE. This might be something as simple as choosing the wrong COM port or wrong board type in the IDE, but it’s not a Blynk related problem.
If you Google the error message then you’ll see some of the potential causes and fixes.
If you’re having problems uploading code then I’d always recommend removing all of the connections from your board, to ensure that this 8nt causing the problem.
I see that you’re using 38400 as your SoftwareSerial baud rate…
The Uno doesn’t have the processing power available to consistently emulate a COM port at this baud rate, so I’d recommend reconfiguring your ESP-01 to work at 9600 baud and use that same baud rate in your sketch.
More info here…