As per my post to @noersaleh you really should wait to be connected, even though will keep trying. So try adding this after Blynk.begin():
while (!Blynk.connect()) {
//Wait until connected
You could move on later to something like this after Blynk.begin():
int mytimeout = millis() / 1000;
while (Blynk.connect(3000) == false) { // try for 9.99 seconds
if((millis() / 1000) > mytimeout + 8){ // try for less than 9 seconds
break; // will kep trying to connect
@Dmitriy I and others have experienced problems with individually sync’s pins on connection to Blynk.
syncAll seems to be ok but I very rarely use that but when several pins are sync’d it casuses problems. A workaround is to delay some of the sync’s but it is not ideal.
Do you know how many pins a regular ESP can safely sync and are you able to do a server side fix i.e. delay between pin sync’s?
@arslan43711 this is a 6 year old topic, and many things have changed in the world of Blynk since then.
I’d suggest that you start a new “Need help with my project” topic, and provide ALL of the information that is requested when you do that, including following the instructions about how to correctly format your sketch when you post it.