GPS data from android not available on arduino

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Thanks for your advice.
I am regular reader, this is my first writer attempt…
My configuration is:
Mini pro ,Bluetooth hc05, blynk gps widget, Android gsm.
I try to transfer gps data to arduino without success.
Any advice to push me out of this rut is welcome.

Are you saying that communication between the Arduino and Android phone via Bluetooth is working fine, but you aren’t able to send/receive GPS data between the two, or that you’ve not had any success with any communication over Bluetooth?

Information about how you’ve configured your GPS Stream widget, what code you’re running on your Arduino, what results you’re seeing in your serial monitor etc would be handy.


GPS widgets are not sending their data via BLE/BT, this is fixed in current Android app’s beta, but again it will work only while Blynk app is open and has connection to BLE/BT board.

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Yes,the communication via Bluetooth and blynk is working fine,but I stumble with gps widget.
I am unable to transfer gps present in widget data to arduino.

No, not if you read the comment above from @BlynkAndroidDev


I am using the sketch from Blynk with bluetooth and gps streaming with Arduino UNO. The bluetooth connection works, but the GPS gives me all zeros. While my Samsung S6 GPS works fine. Where is the problem?
