i had simple notifications set for specific time of the day but i’ve noticed it stopped working like over a week ago ,
first i thought it was after my phone got updated to android 8.0 so i tried it on my tablet which is working on android 7.1.1 but still it doesn’t work so my next step was to update blink library to version 0.4.8 and that didn’t help also.
So are you saying that Eventor suddenly stopped working regardless of Android version or that it only fails on the 8.0 device?.
If the latter, then double check that all required permissions for Blynk are enabled.
At first i thought it was because Android 8 changes in the os but it also doesn’t work on Android 7.1.1.
There are issues with timezone setup in the trigger time of the Eventor, it would be fixed in the next build.
When will the next buildup will be released?
on the next week begining, probably, on tuesday. you could use latest log build before the fix will be released: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8m8twyz91jr8wxo/main_app-log.apk?dl=0
Still doesn’t work
What does it mean ‘still doesn’t work’? As I said new build with a fix to timezone bug in the eventor will be released on the beginning on the next week, I mean android app build.
The app from drop box that you attached link to before isn’t the fixed unreleased yet Android build?
Ou, sorry, I’ll recheck it
We’d added some additional fixes, you could check this build https://www.dropbox.com/s/8m8twyz91jr8wxo/main_app-log.apk?dl=0
If it is not working - just send us a log from that app (projects list screen -> about screen -> ‘send log’ option)
It works on Android 7.1.1.
Still doesn’t work on Android 8.0
I tested latest build that you posted today
Thanks, yep, we have noticed not working notifications on Android 8.0 - I’ll update the log build with an additional logging for notifications work to check on what step they fail to show.
Could you download new build by that link, reproduce notification receival on Android 8.0 device and send us the log again. We have no Android 8.0 device currently on hands and simulators are working fine, so your help would be highly appreciated.
I sent you log files like 2 hours ago thru email
( Used latest built that you posted here)
If you need me to test newer built let me know
Yep, I received them, and updated log for better debug. So there should be a new build available by the same link.
Still doesn’t work. Sent you log file #2 using latest built
Thanks, I now see where the app fails to send the notification, but at now moment I have no idea why it is not working. I’ll investigate this issue and update you in this thread.
Could you try this build with fixed notifications - https://www.dropbox.com/s/4v54z1u2asx0ow6/blynk-app-log.apk?dl=0