ESP8266 SSL connections down using Blynk_WiFiManager (ESP32 works fine, non-SSL 8266 works fine)

Hi @thorathome

Please try the new Blynk_WM releases v1.3.0 where you can use SSL (insecured mode, still better than non-SSL mode) with Blynk Cloud Server.

Major Releases v1.3.0

  1. Add LittleFS and SPIFFS support to new ESP32-S2 boards (Arduino ESP32S2_DEV). Check HOWTO Install esp32 core for ESP32-S2 (Saola, AI-Thinker ESP-12K) and ESP32-C3 boards into Arduino IDE.
  2. Add EEPROM and SPIFFS support to new ESP32-C3 boards (Arduino ESP32_DEV). Check HOWTO Install esp32 core for ESP32-S2 (Saola, AI-Thinker ESP-12K) and ESP32-C3 boards into Arduino IDE.
  3. Fix SSL issue with Blynk Cloud Server
  4. Update examples