ESP8266-01 with arduino Mega disconnect when router restart

Yes, you are right now we can add only wdt_enable(WDTO_1S); to connectWiFi lines it will work very good.

My solution it will deal with three problems by reset them and all of them they will happen togather:

1- when your wifi shield was working normally and your router reset himself or internet issue, this problem it be fix be add this code to your sketch

Void checkBlynk(){  
    Serial.println("Not connected to Blynk server"); 

2- after first reset will happen and your router will not be ready, so your serial monitor will stop with this words “Failed to connect WiFi” , so now you need to keep the reset function up to your router be ready to connect so I fixed this by update the BlynkSimpleShieldEsp8266.h library through add #include <avr/wdt.h> library inside the BlynkSimpleShieldEsp8266.h library. and add wdt_enable(WDTO_1S); to these lines as shown:

 bool connectWiFi(const char* ssid, const char* pass)
        BLYNK_LOG2(BLYNK_F("Connecting to "), ssid);
        /*if (!wifi->restart()) {
            BLYNK_LOG1(BLYNK_F("Failed to restart"));
            return false;
        if (!wifi->kick()) {
             BLYNK_LOG1(BLYNK_F("ESP is not responding"));
             //TODO: BLYNK_LOG_TROUBLE(BLYNK_F("esp8266-not-responding"));
             return false;
        if (!wifi->setEcho(0)) {
            BLYNK_LOG1(BLYNK_F("Failed to disable Echo"));
            return false;
        String ver = wifi->ESP8266::getVersion();
        if (!wifi->enableMUX()) {
            BLYNK_LOG1(BLYNK_F("Failed to enable MUX"));
        if (!wifi->setOprToStation()) {
            BLYNK_LOG1(BLYNK_F("Failed to set STA mode"));
            return false;
        if (wifi->joinAP(ssid, pass)) {
            String my_ip = wifi->getLocalIP();
        } else {
            BLYNK_LOG1(BLYNK_F("Failed to connect WiFi"));
            return false;

3- sometime you will get this message “ESP is not responding” and this will stop your device from connecting or reset him self, so I add wdt_enable(WDTO_1S); to this line

 if (!wifi->kick()) {
             BLYNK_LOG1(BLYNK_F("ESP is not responding"));

to reset your device also if it will stop with “ESP is not responding”.

Finally I want to thanks Gunner because he is encourage me to fix this problem .


@yaamr can we ask you to enter this useful hack in the “Projects” section. I’m not a fan of the shield system but I know there are a lot that do use them and have been struggling with the issue you have fixed.

I don’t consider the Projects section to be strictly tied to the literal meaning of the word, rather something that many Blynkers might find useful.

Yes, no problem but how can I enter these projects and add it???

Just put together a relatively concise “how-to” and post a new topic with a Projects made with Blynk category.

Ok, I will.

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hello all
i tried to implement what you said above for the lossing wifi connectivity in my system (Mega + ESP8266 wifi shield) but i get compiling error in the bool connectWiFi
can you please check my code and tell me where i did something wrong as am not too much into coding , a noobie

it is mainly happened after i add the bool connectWiFi(const char* ssid, const char* pass) function before the void setup (copy and paste what u said above here), if removed it , then it works but in the serial monitor if it loses connection, i receive Failed to connect WiFi and thats it.

here is the error

base operand of’->’ has non-pointer type ESP8266’

#define BLYNK_PRINT Serial // Enables Serial Monitor
#define BLYNK_PRINT Serial
#define BLYNK_DEBUG Serial

#include <ESP8266_Lib.h>
#include <BlynkSimpleShieldEsp8266.h>
#include <WatchDog.h>
#include <avr/wdt.h>
#ifndef BlynkSimpleShieldEsp8266_h
#define BlynkSimpleShieldEsp8266_h

#ifdef ESP8266
#error This code is not intended to run on the ESP8266 platform! Please check your Tools->Board setting.


#ifndef BLYNK_ESP8266_MUX
#define BLYNK_ESP8266_MUX  1


#include <BlynkApiArduino.h>
#include <Blynk/BlynkProtocol.h>
#include <utility/BlynkFifo.h>
#include <ESP8266_Lib.h>
#include <avr/wdt.h>

if (!wifi->kick()) {
       BLYNK_LOG1(BLYNK_F("ESP is not responding"));

class BlynkTransportShieldEsp8266
    static void onData(uint8_t mux_id, uint32_t len, void* ptr) {
        ((BlynkTransportShieldEsp8266*)ptr)->onData(mux_id, len);

    void onData(uint8_t mux_id, uint32_t len) {
        if (mux_id != BLYNK_ESP8266_MUX) {
        //BLYNK_LOG2("Got ", len);
        while (len) {
            if (client->getUart()->available()) {
                uint8_t b = client->getUart()->read();
                if(!buffer.push(b)) {
                    BLYNK_LOG1(BLYNK_F("Buffer overflow"));

        : client(NULL)
        , status(false)
        , domain(NULL)
        , port(0)

    void setEsp8266(ESP8266* esp8266) {
        client = esp8266;
        client->setOnData(onData, this);

    void begin(const char* d,  uint16_t p) {
        domain = d;
        port = p;

    bool connect() {
        if (!domain || !port)
            return false;
        status = client->createTCP(BLYNK_ESP8266_MUX, domain, port);
        return status;

    void disconnect() {
        status = false;

    size_t read(void* buf, size_t len) {
        uint32_t start = millis();
        //BLYNK_LOG4("Waiting: ", len, " Occuied: ", buffer.getOccupied());
        while ((buffer.getOccupied() < len) && (millis() - start < 1500)) {
        return*)buf, len);
    size_t write(const void* buf, size_t len) {
        if (client->send(BLYNK_ESP8266_MUX, (const uint8_t*)buf, len)) {
            return len;
        return 0;

    bool connected() { return status; }

    int available() {
        //BLYNK_LOG2("Still: ", buffer.getOccupied());
        return buffer.getOccupied();

    ESP8266* client;
    bool status;
    BlynkFifo<uint8_t,256> buffer;
    const char* domain;
    uint16_t    port;

class BlynkWifi
    : public BlynkProtocol<BlynkTransportShieldEsp8266>
    typedef BlynkProtocol<BlynkTransportShieldEsp8266> Base;
    BlynkWifi(BlynkTransportShieldEsp8266& transp)
        : Base(transp)
        , wifi(NULL)

    bool connectWiFi(const char* ssid, const char* pass)
        BLYNK_LOG2(BLYNK_F("Connecting to "), ssid);
        /*if (!wifi->restart()) {
            BLYNK_LOG1(BLYNK_F("Failed to restart"));
            return false;
        if (!wifi->kick()) {
             BLYNK_LOG1(BLYNK_F("ESP is not responding"));
             //TODO: BLYNK_LOG_TROUBLE(BLYNK_F("esp8266-not-responding"));
             return false;
        if (!wifi->setEcho(0)) {
            BLYNK_LOG1(BLYNK_F("Failed to disable Echo"));
            return false;
        String ver = wifi->ESP8266::getVersion();
        if (!wifi->enableMUX()) {
            BLYNK_LOG1(BLYNK_F("Failed to enable MUX"));
        if (!wifi->setOprToStation()) {
            BLYNK_LOG1(BLYNK_F("Failed to set STA mode"));
            return false;
        if (wifi->joinAP(ssid, pass)) {
            String my_ip = wifi->getLocalIP();
        } else {
            BLYNK_LOG1(BLYNK_F("Failed to connect WiFi"));
            return false;
        BLYNK_LOG1(BLYNK_F("Connected to WiFi"));
        return true;

    void config(ESP8266&    esp8266,
                const char* auth,
                const char* domain = BLYNK_DEFAULT_DOMAIN,
                uint16_t    port   = BLYNK_DEFAULT_PORT)
        wifi = &esp8266;
        this->conn.begin(domain, port);

    void begin(const char* auth,
               ESP8266&    esp8266,
               const char* ssid,
               const char* pass,
               const char* domain = BLYNK_DEFAULT_DOMAIN,
               uint16_t    port   = BLYNK_DEFAULT_PORT)
        config(esp8266, auth, domain, port);
        connectWiFi(ssid, pass);
        while(this->connect() != true) {}

    ESP8266* wifi;

static BlynkTransportShieldEsp8266 _blynkTransport;
BlynkWifi Blynk(_blynkTransport);

#include <BlynkWidgets.h>


char auth[] = "******";
char ssid[] = "Ayman33";
char pass[] = "braveheart333";

#define EspSerial Serial1
#define ESP8266_BAUD 115200
ESP8266 wifi(&EspSerial);

BlynkTimer timer;

void myTimerEvent()
  Blynk.virtualWrite(V5, millis() / 1000);

void checkBlynk(){  
    Serial.println("Not connected to Blynk server"); 
bool connectWiFi(const char* ssid, const char* pass)
        BLYNK_LOG2(BLYNK_F("Connecting to "), ssid);
        /*if (!wifi->restart()) {
            BLYNK_LOG1(BLYNK_F("Failed to restart"));
            return false;
        if (!wifi->kick()) {
             BLYNK_LOG1(BLYNK_F("ESP is not responding"));
             //TODO: BLYNK_LOG_TROUBLE(BLYNK_F("esp8266-not-responding"));
             return false;
        if (!wifi->setEcho(0)) {
            BLYNK_LOG1(BLYNK_F("Failed to disable Echo"));
            return false;
        String ver = wifi->ESP8266::getVersion();
        if (!wifi->enableMUX()) {
            BLYNK_LOG1(BLYNK_F("Failed to enable MUX"));
        if (!wifi->setOprToStation()) {
            BLYNK_LOG1(BLYNK_F("Failed to set STA mode"));
            return false;
        if (wifi->joinAP(ssid, pass)) {
            String my_ip = wifi->getLocalIP();
        } else {
            BLYNK_LOG1(BLYNK_F("Failed to connect WiFi"));
            return false;
void setup()

  Blynk.begin(auth, wifi, ssid, pass);

  timer.setInterval(1000L, myTimerEvent);
  timer.setInterval(6000L, checkBlynk);

void loop()

The code you’ve seen in post #22 of this topic is not an Arduino sketch, it’s one of the Blynk libraries, which @yaamr was suggesting could be modified as he described. If you go back and re-read the post this will become apparent.

I’d strongly recommend not modifying the Blynk libraries unless you really know what you’re doing (which you don’t) otherwise you are likely to simply create more problems for yourself and make it impossible to implement more appropriate solutions.
